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Id Name Created Last modified Items
23 Tracker Field Rules
To demonstrate the Tiki 21.x feature Tracker Field Rules
22 Prefreport output - Tiki 19
A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.
21 TrackerGantt
Sample Tracker to use with wikiplugin Gantt
20 Video Resources
A registry for Tiki howto/tutorial videos. No videos are stored at or streamed from this site. Video information is submitted and each video gets its own page, Each video then gets its own page (using Video_information_tpl as a template) in a wiki page structure. Videos can also be displayed in relevant documentation pages (using a plugin, not related to this tracker). There's an admin-visible "Validated" checkbox to be checked as a formality to publish the video information.
19 Tikifest partial history (simple vertical timeline)
Using some HTML and CSS from https://codepen.io/brady_wright/pen/NNOvrW .

Duplicate of https://tiki.org/tracker18 (don't use this one)
18 TrackerToggle example

Tracker supporting the examples of the PluginTrackerToggle page.

Also used on API Tracker Update Demo

17 Tablesorter Demo
Tracker to demonstrate the tablesorter feature, in particular automatic totals.
16 LIST docu - target - working documentation of plugin list
This is the target tracker to display the different parts of the Plugin LIST.
15 LIST values - source - working documentation of plugin list
list all values of the wikiplugin list for use as source for the list target tracker
14 LIST parameters - source - working documentation of plugin list
list all parameters of the wikiplugin list for use as source for the list target tracker
13 LIST commands - source - working documentation of plugin list
list all commands of the wikiplugin list with name and type (inline or embracing) for use as source for the list target tracker
12 Boundary Zones- tracker for documentation worked example
Geographical shape features created using imported data with the FILES tracker field as a Polygon geometry
11 Paths and trails - tracker for documentation worked example
Geographical line or path features created using imported files as LineString or MultiLine String geometries
10 Points of interest - tracker for documentation worked example
Geographical features created using a 'pin' with a customised icon
9 Dynamic tracker example
Example of dynamic trackers using jQuery, used in https://doc.tiki.org/Pretty+Tracker#Dynamic_Pretty_Trackers
8 Doc Bugs & Wishlist

Enter bugs in this tracker for

  • all documentation problems
  • all documentation that needs to created

Use the Question field to enter the question that you were trying get answered. For example:

  • How do I enable Blogs?
  • How do I create a table in wiki syntax?
7 Features

Tiki's Content Creation and Management Tools

Subjective self-evaluation by the Tiki community

  • Setup/admin UI: How easy / intuitive is to setup this feature?
  • UI end user : Once setup, how easy / intuitive is it for the end-user? (was it worth it?)
  • Stability: How many bugs left?
  • Feature-set / power: How does this feature compare to other Open Source apps? This field is the default sort order