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Doc Bugs & Wishlist

Enter bugs in this tracker for

  • all documentation problems
  • all documentation that needs to created

Use the Question field to enter the question that you were trying get answered. For example:

  • How do I enable Blogs?
  • How do I create a table in wiki syntax?

Items 35

Priority Summary assigned to Problem Type Problem Resolution User Question Last modified
the lowest Chat description needs screen shots, examples dthacker text is unclear The chat area needs some screenshots to and an example of a chat in progress. Completed
lower low Forums Configuration needs to be created dthacker text is unclear The forums configuration page needs to be created. Pending/Assigned
lower low forums details (technical reference) page needs to be created dthacker text is unclear The forums details page needs to be created. Pending/Assigned
lower low Live Support Feature Documentation Needed dthacker text is unclear

The documentation for Live Support currently exists only on tw.o. We need to

  • review the tw.o docs for accuracy
  • migrate them to doc.tikiwiki.org
  • create pages for user, config, and details
  • change the link in the tw.o source code
  • put a pointer on tw.o to the doc site

lower low Tiki Calendar docs need to be updated dthacker text is unclear Tiki Calendar is undergoing extensive revision. We need to look at the changes and re-write the docs. Pending/Assigned
lower low Mini Calendar docs need to be re-written or merged dthacker text is unclear The mini-calendar feature is currently being revised and may be changed or merged. We need to review the feature after work is complete and re-write if necessary. Pending/Assigned
lower Shoutbox Docs need to be created dthacker text is unclear Shoutbox docs are still linked over to tikiwiki.org. Move content to d.tw.o and move the link. Pending/Assigned
lower Polls feature needs to have additional screenshots, re-arranged for clarity dthacker text is unclear Add screenshots, add details page, rework the text to follow the process of setting up the poll. Pending/Assigned
lower Show Module Controls Documentation Needed dthacker text is unclear

Show Modules Control points to an older page on tw.o. We need to:

  • Verify the accuracy of the docs on tw.o
  • Migrate on build the docs on d.tw.o as needed
  • update the link in source code
  • Put a referral in place from tw.o to d.tw.o for this feature
lower Tiki Template Viewing documentation needs to be created dthacker text is unclear

The Tiki Template Viewing documentation currently points to the tw.o site. We need to

  • review the docs for accuracy
  • migrate the docs to d.tw.o
  • change the link in sourcecode
  • put a referral in from tw.o to d.tw.o
lower Use Tabs Feature needs documentation dthacker text is unclear The Use Tabs feature does not have a documentation link. Find out *all* the things it does and add a page to the structure. Pending/Assigned
medium low New feature "user contacts" needs documentation dthacker text is unclear New feature. No docs exist Pending/Assigned
medium low New feature "group contacts" needs documentation dthacker text is unclear New feature needs docs Pending/Assigned
medium low Games Documentation Needed dthacker text is unclear

The Games Documentation is currently pointed to tw.o. The page on tw.o has some editing that indicates the feature may not be working correctly. We need to

  • test the feature
  • assess the accuracy of the current docs on tw.o
  • move the docs and file bugs as needed.
medium low Tiki Integrator documentation needs to be created dthacker text is unclear

Tiki Integrator docs are currently pointed to tw.o. There is a large body of work on this feature, including features that were promised to be implemented. We need to

  • get some development help, sort through what is implemented and what is not.
  • re-write the docs to reflect the current state of implementation , including bugs
  • change the link in the source code
  • put a referral link from tw.o o d.tw.o
medium low Score system documentation needs to be created dthacker text is unclear

The Score feature links to old documentation on d.tw.o We need to

  • Verify accuracy of docs on tw.o
  • Migrate those docs over to d.tw.o
  • Change link in source code d.tw.o
  • put a fowarding link from tw.o to d.tw.o
medium low Contributions Docs need to be re-worked dthacker text is unclear

Following Items are needed:

  • New screenshots from a non-production database
  • Admin and Details pages
  • Version Tag
  • Integrate into structure

medium Site Identiity Docs Needed dthacker text is unclear There are no local (d.tw.o)docs on Site Identitiy. Pull content over from themes.tikiwiki.org. This should also be a link in the Admin section. Pending/Assigned
medium Search Details (technical reference) docs are needed dthacker text is unclear The Search Details page is empty. It needs to be pulled from tw.o or created. Pending/Assigned
medium Friendship Network needs documentation dthacker text is unclear

The Friendship Network feature is currently linked to docs on tw.o. We need to:

  • Verify the docs on tw.o are accurate
  • Verify the bugs shown on tw.o o are addressed or map to specific bugs in Tiki Tracker
  • Migrate the docs to d.tw.o
  • Change the link in the source code
  • Put a referral link from tw.o to d.tw.o
medium high Move Tracker Pages Into the current structure dthacker text is unclear The best pages we have for trackers exist outside of our current structure. Move them in to the current structure. Pending/Assigned
medium high Quizzes Admin Section is Incomplete dthacker text is unclear The Admin section needs several topics completed. Pending/Assigned
medium high Search Config and Search Admin need to be merged dthacker text is unclear The Search Config and Search Admin pages need to be merged into a coherent guide for the admin Pending/Assigned
high Quizzes Details Section is Incomplete dthacker text is unclear The Quizzes details section is missing table names and module names. The RFE's and bugs need to be mapped to specific items in Tiki Tracker Pending/Assigned
high Search Page needs to be re-organized dthacker text is unclear

The front search page needs to be re-organized.

  1. move the content to the Search User page
  2. Re-write the list of features
  3. Get Navigation to other pages higher on the page

high Featured Links Dccumentation Incomplete dthacker text is unclear

The Featured Links Documentation is incomplete. We need to add

  • Screenshots
  • Details (technical reference) page

high Banners documentation Needed Bsfez text is unclear

The current Banners page is a place-holder. We need the following pages created:

  • Banners User
  • Banners Config
  • Banners Details

In Progress
higher high Image Galleries Detail (technical reference) needs to be built dthacker text is unclear We don't have a page for Image Galleries tech reference. Needs to be built Pending/Assigned
higher high Blogs Details (Technical Reference Page) needs to be built dthacker text is unclear A Blogs tech reference page needs to be built Pending/Assigned
higher high Re-arrange the Articles page dthacker text is unclear The articles page needs to be re-arranged to put the elements in the proper order. Pending/Assigned
higher high Action Log screenshots need to be replaced dthacker text is unclear The Action Log screenshots need to be replaced with "safe" screenshots that do not have to be obscured. Pending/Assigned
the highest File Galleries Information needs to be built dthacker text is unclear There are no file galleries docs. Pull from tw.o. In Progress
the highest Webmail docs need to be created dthacker text is unclear Webmail docs don't exist on the doc site. Pull content over from tw.o Pending/Assigned
the highest Newsreader docs need to be created dthacker text is unclear Newsreader docs do not exist on the docs site. Create pages and pull content over to the doc site. Pending/Assigned
the highest Content gone, needs restore from History thebookdoc text is unclear

