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Format the font type and size of text

Plugin Font

Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki8, to format the font type and size of text.


Format the font type and size of text
Introduced in Tiki 8.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_font

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Content
size text The size of the font. This can be pixels, percentage or any other specification that is supported by the HTML/CSS standard. See here for details. The "px" suffix can be omitted. For instance, use size=15 or size=15px for a font size of 15 pixels. 8.0
family (blank)| sans serif| serif| monospace| Arial| Century Gothic| Comic Sans MS| Courier New| Tahoma| Times New Roman| Verdana Select the font family to display the content. 8.0


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{FONT(family="Comic Sans MS" size="20")}This text is shown in Comic Sans MS font and the size is 20{FONT}

Would produce:

This text is shown in Comic Sans MS font
the size is 20