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Website directories are human-curated listings of internet links, as opposed to search engine results. Tiki's Directory feature enables easy collection and display of website links categorized by topic for browsing by users.
This page describes how to configure the Directory feature.
To access
Click the Directory icon on the Admin Panel
or Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=directory
Related Topics
Directory screenshot

Option Description Default
Directory User-submitted Web links Disabled
Columns per page Number of columns per page when listing directory categories
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
3 columns
Links per page How many links should be displayed per page. 20 links
Validate URLs Should Tiki check the URL? Disabled
Enable "popular sites" Enabled
Show country flag Show the country flag Enabled
Method to open Directory links The linked-to website can be opened in various ways
Replace the current window | Open a new window | Open an iframe
Open a new window
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Directory User-submitted Web links Disabled
Columns per page Number of columns per page when listing directory categories
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
3 columns
Links per page How many links should be displayed per page. 20 links
Validate URLs Should Tiki check the URL? Disabled
Enable "popular sites" Enabled
Show country flag Show the country flag Enabled
Method to open Directory links The linked-to website can be opened in various ways
Replace the current window | Open a new window | Open an iframe
Open a new window
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Directory User-submitted Web links Disabled
Columns per page Number of columns per page when listing directory categories
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
3 columns
Links per page How many links should be displayed per page. 20 links
Validate URLs Should Tiki check the URL? Disabled
Enable "popular sites" Enabled
Show country flag Show the country flag Enabled
Method to open Directory links The linked-to website can be opened in various ways
Replace the current window | Open a new window | Open an iframe
Open a new window
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Directory User-submitted Web links Disabled
Columns per page Number of columns per page when listing directory categories
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
3 columns
Links per page How many links should be displayed per page. 20 links
Validate URLs Should Tiki check the URL? Disabled
Enable "popular sites" Enabled
Show country flag Show the country flag Enabled
Method to open Directory links The linked-to website can be opened in various ways
Replace the current window | Open a new window | Open an iframe
Open a new window
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

The following content will eventually be migrated to the Directory section of the Tiki User and Admin Guides.


The Directory is used to collect and display web site links categorized by topic for browsing by users. It is similar to the DMOZ Open Directory Project (see Useful Links, below).

The user can browse through categories, making use of category and link descriptions, and navigate to increasingly specific subcategories. A search form can also be used to locate a link in the Directory.

Users can submit links to be added to the Directory. The submitted links can be subject to validation by admins or designated editors before they are added.

Any number of categories can be created and each can be indicated as related to one or more other categories. Tiki tracks the addition of new links and the number of visits to each link, as well as the number of searches made. Users can also view "new sites" and "cool sites" (most-visited sites).

Directory information can also be displayed as modules in Tiki's side columns or wiki pages, and new Directory links can be reported in Tiki's Calendar.

Feature Overview

TikiWiki's Directory feature enables:

  • Organization of Web site links into categories
  • Searches for links
  • Submission by users of link suggestions for approval by admins
  • Appointment of editors to moderate specific categories
  • Caching of linked Web sites to avoid the problem of dead links or temporarily unavailable servers
  • Display of top-ranked sites in terms of hits
  • Display of most recently added sites
  • Indication of top-ranked and recently added sites in a Tiki module
  • Association of Directory categories with one another and/or with one or more global Tiki Categories

More Documentation
  • Directory User How to use the Directory once it has been activated and configured.
  • Directory Admin How to activate and configure the Directory, including determining its organization and page display, and setting appropriate permissions.
  • Directory Details Details on Directory internals, including information on related files, permissions, database tables and CSS selectors.

Useful Links

These are other examples of and information about Web directories.


Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 27 October, 2021 14:45:13 GMT-0000 by Jean-Marc Libs.