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Comments Admin page

Use this page to configure the global (site-wide) comment options.
To access
Click the Comments icon on the Admin Panel
or Access http://example.com/tiki-admin.php?page=comments
Comments need to be activated on a feature-by-feature basis. Comments can be used in:

Option Description Default
Comments moderation Enables the admin or other authorized group member to validate comments before they are visible Disabled
Comments locking Comments can be closed (no comments, or no new comments) Disabled
Add author name in From email header Add the name of the comment author in the email header "From", making the email look like sent from "John Doe <noreply@example.com>" Disabled
Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously This can be used to encourage honest feedback without self-censorship, such as in a forum for brainstorming or feedback for improvement. Disabled
Use vote system for comments Allow users with permission to vote on comments.
Permissions involved: vote_comments, wiki_view_comments, ratings_view_results
Archive comments If a comment is archived, only admins can see it Disabled
Allow comments to be edited by their author Allow a comment to be modified by its author after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc. Enabled
Comment correction timeout The time in minutes during which a comment can be modified by its author after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc. 90 minutes
Use Akismet to filter comments Prevent comment spam by using the Akismet service to determine if the comment is spam. If comment moderation is enabled, Akismet will indicate if the comment is to be moderated or not. If there is no comment moderation, the comment will be rejected if considered to be spam. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Akismet API Key Key required for the Akismet comment spam prevention.
Obtain this key by registering your site at http://akismet.com
Filter spam for registered users Activate spam filtering for registered users as well. Useful if your site allows anyone to register without screening. Disabled
Number of comments per page 25
Sort mode for comments Oldest first | Newest first Oldest first
Limit indentation on thread reply Limit Indentation (to 5) | All indented Limit Indentation (to 5)
Disable comment titles Don't display the title input field on comments and their replies. Enabled
Anchor links on headings Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page. Enabled
Parse wiki syntax in comments Parse wiki syntax in comments in all sections apart from Forums
Use "Accept wiki syntax" for forums in admin forums page
Email field Email field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Website field Website field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Comment box Size (height) of the comment text area. 6 rows
Inline comments Contextual comments Disabled
Inline comments using Apache Annotator Use the Open/Apache Annotator JavaScript based library for managing inline comments as annotations. Disabled
Show extra info Show author and date on Open Annotator inline comments. Enabled
Comments on articles Users with permission can post or reply to comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments below wiki pages Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Display comment list by default Disabled
Display Post new comment form by default Disabled
Number per page 10 comments
Display order Newest first | Oldest first | Points Points
Allow comments per wiki page Enable control of comments on wiki pages on a per-page basis.
Disable | Enable (default On) | Enable (default Off)
Enable watches on comments Enabled
Also print comments Disabled
Blog post Comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
File gallery comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Number per page Number of comments per page 10 comments
Default order Default order of comments.
Newest first | Oldest first | Points
Comments for polls Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments for FAQs Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
Plugin Tracker Comments Display the number of comments for a tracker Enabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Comments moderation Enables the admin or other authorized group member to validate comments before they are visible Disabled
Comments locking Comments can be closed (no comments, or no new comments) Disabled
Add author name in From email header Add the name of the comment author in the email header "From", making the email look like sent from "John Doe <noreply@example.com>" Disabled
Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously This can be used to encourage honest feedback without self-censorship, such as in a forum for brainstorming or feedback for improvement. Disabled
Use vote system for comments Allow users with permission to vote on comments.
Permissions involved: vote_comments, wiki_view_comments, ratings_view_results
Archive comments If a comment is archived, only admins can see it Disabled
Allow comments to be edited by their author Allow a comment to be modified by its author after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc. Enabled
Comment edition timeout The period(time) in minutes during which a comment can be modified by its author after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc. 90 minutes
Use Akismet to filter comments Prevent comment spam by using the Akismet service to determine if the comment is spam. If comment moderation is enabled, Akismet will indicate if the comment is to be moderated or not. If there is no comment moderation, the comment will be rejected if considered to be spam. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Akismet API Key Key required for the Akismet comment spam prevention.
Obtain this key by registering your site at http://akismet.com
Filter spam for registered users Activate spam filtering for registered users as well. Useful if your site allows anyone to register without screening. Disabled
Number of comments per page 25
Sort mode for comments Oldest first | Newest first Oldest first
Limit indentation on thread reply Limit Indentation (to 5) | All indented Limit Indentation (to 5)
Disable comment titles Don't display the title input field on comments and their replies. Enabled
Anchor links on headings Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page. Enabled
Parse wiki syntax in comments Parse wiki syntax in comments in all sections apart from Forums
Use "Accept wiki syntax" for forums in admin forums page
Email field Email field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Website field Website field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Comment box Size (height) of the comment text area. 6 rows
Inline comments Contextual comments Disabled
Inline comments using Apache Annotator Use the Open/Apache Annotator JavaScript based library for managing inline comments as annotations. Disabled
Show extra info Show author and date on Open Annotator inline comments. Enabled
Comments on articles Users with permission can post or reply to comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments below wiki pages Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Display comment list by default Disabled
Display Post new comment form by default Disabled
Number per page 10 comments
Display order Newest first | Oldest first | Points Points
Allow comments per wiki page Enable control of comments on wiki pages on a per-page basis.
Disable | Enable (default On) | Enable (default Off)
Enable watches on comments Enabled
Also print comments Disabled
Blog post Comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
File gallery comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Number per page Number of comments per page 10 comments
Default order Default order of comments.
Newest first | Oldest first | Points
Comments for polls Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments for FAQs Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
Plugin Tracker Comments Display the number of comments for a tracker Enabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Comments moderation Enables the admin or other authorized group member to validate comments before they are visible Disabled
Comments locking Comments can be closed (no comments, or no new comments) Disabled
Add author name in From email header Add the name of the comment author in the email header "From", making the email look like sent from "John Doe <noreply@example.com>" Disabled
Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously This can be used to encourage honest feedback without self-censorship, such as in a forum for brainstorming or feedback for improvement. Disabled
Use vote system for comments Allow users with permission to vote on comments.
Permissions involved: vote_comments, wiki_view_comments, ratings_view_results
Archive comments If a comment is archived, only admins can see it Disabled
Allow comments to be edited by their author Allow a comment to be modified by its author for a 30-minute period after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc. Enabled
Use Akismet to filter comments Prevent comment spam by using the Akismet service to determine if the comment is spam. If comment moderation is enabled, Akismet will indicate if the comment is to be moderated or not. If there is no comment moderation, the comment will be rejected if considered to be spam. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Akismet API Key Key required for the Akismet comment spam prevention.
Obtain this key by registering your site at http://akismet.com
Filter spam for registered users Activate spam filtering for registered users as well. Useful if your site allows anyone to register without screening. Disabled
Number of comments per page 25
Sort mode for comments Oldest first | Newest first Oldest first
Disable comment titles Don't display the title input field on comments and their replies. Enabled
Anchor links on headings Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page. Enabled
Parse wiki syntax in comments Parse wiki syntax in comments in all sections apart from Forums
Use "Accept wiki syntax" for forums in admin forums page
Email field Email field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Website field Website field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Comment box Size (height) of the comment text area. 6 rows
Inline comments Contextual comments Disabled
Inline comments using Apache Annotator Use the Open/Apache Annotator JavaScript based library for managing inline comments as annotations. Disabled
Show extra info Show author and date on Open Annotator inline comments. Enabled
Comments on articles Users with permission can post or reply to comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments below wiki pages Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Display comment list by default Disabled
Display Post new comment form by default Disabled
Number per page 10 comments
Display order Newest first | Oldest first | Points Points
Allow comments per wiki page Enable control of comments on wiki pages on a per-page basis.
Disable | Enable (default On) | Enable (default Off)
Enable watches on comments Enabled
Blog post Comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
File gallery comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Number per page Number of comments per page 10 comments
Default order Default order of comments.
Newest first | Oldest first | Points
Comments for polls Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments for FAQs Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
Plugin Tracker Comments Display the number of comments for a tracker Enabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Comments moderation Enables the admin or other authorized group member to validate comments before they are visible Disabled
Comments locking Comments can be closed (no comments, or no new comments) Disabled
Add author name in From email header Add the name of the comment author in the email header "From", making the email look like sent from "John Doe " Disabled
Allow logged-in users to post comments anonymously This can be used to encourage honest feedback without self-censorship, such as in a forum for brainstorming or feedback for improvement. Disabled
Use vote system for comments Allow users with permission to vote on comments.
Permissions involved: vote_comments, wiki_view_comments, ratings_view_results
Archive comments If a comment is archived, only admins can see it Disabled
Allow comments to be edited by their author Allow a comment to be modified by its author for a 30-minute period after posting it, for clarifications, correction of errors, etc. Enabled
Use Akismet to filter comments Prevent comment spam by using the Akismet service to determine if the comment is spam. If comment moderation is enabled, Akismet will indicate if the comment is to be moderated or not. If there is no comment moderation, the comment will be rejected if considered to be spam. Disabled
Show comments below items Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab Disabled
Akismet API Key Key required for the Akismet comment spam prevention.
Obtain this key by registering your site at http://akismet.com
Filter spam for registered users Activate spam filtering for registered users as well. Useful if your site allows anyone to register without screening. Disabled
Number of comments per page 25
Sort mode for comments Oldest first | Newest first Oldest first
Disable comment titles Don't display the title input field on comments and their replies. Enabled
Anchor links on headings Cause a link icon to appear on hover over each heading, useful for sharing the URL to an exact location on a page. Enabled
Parse wiki syntax in comments Parse wiki syntax in comments in all sections apart from Forums
Use "Accept wiki syntax" for forums in admin forums page
Email field Email field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Website field Website field for comments (only for anonymous users). Disabled
Comment box Size (height) of the comment text area. 6 rows
Inline comments Contextual comments Disabled
Inline comments using Apache Annotator Use the Open/Apache Annotator JavaScript based library for managing inline comments as annotations. Disabled
Comments on articles Users with permission can post or reply to comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments below wiki pages Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Display comment list by default Disabled
Display Post new comment form by default Disabled
Number per page 10 comments
Display order Newest first | Oldest first | Points Points
Allow comments per wiki page Enable control of comments on wiki pages on a per-page basis.
Disable | Enable (default On) | Enable (default Off)
Enable watches on comments Enabled
Blog post Comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
File gallery comments Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Number per page Number of comments per page 10 comments
Default order Default order of comments.
Newest first | Oldest first | Points
Comments for polls Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Disabled
Comments for FAQs Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. Enabled
Plugin Tracker Comments Display the number of comments for a tracker Enabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.


Comments are threaded replies to a content item.

New in Tiki17:

  • Anonymous users that provided their emails can get notification email of the replies to their comments.
  • The option to self-subscribe to comments to receive email notifications about replies has been extended to trackers, articles, wiki pages and blog posts.

If you enable comments for some of the features of Tiki from the admin menu you will see links to show/hide comments and the number of comments for the object being viewed. In this section we'll explain comments for Tiki pages, everything will be the same for other Tiki features such as articles, blogs, polls, etc.

If you see this bar at the bottom of the central part of the screen (or somewhere else if the customization changed the appearance) then you can see/enter comments. Click the Show comments link to display comments and a form to post new comments (if you have the permission).

for beginners

There are more then one place to switch on Comments for the Comments to work. For Comments to work at least three different steps are needed.
- I think first to take care of are the permissions for the Groups.
- Later each and every single Feature needs to be reviewed in detail to make sure Comments are ON for the intended Feature.
- Finally, when items are created under each Feature the Comments option needs to be checked ON for the particular created item.
There maybe more steps for some Features. I did not use all of the Features. With a little patience they will all work 🙄 and we learn how to appreciate the fine tuning abilities in this software package 😀

More documentation

