Tiki is the FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features. But what about connecting with the outside World?
This page is intended to be a summary of all connections to services, technologies or standards that enhance Tiki. This page will replace (combine) and
Related: Operating System independence and Database independence.
1.1. Components
Just because Tiki implemented a very large number of features, it doesn't mean we are afflicted by the Not Invented Here syndrome.
Tiki relies on:
- PHP scripting language
- Smarty template engine
- MySQL database
- Zend Framework
- jQuery JavaScript library
Tiki makes good use of several External Libraries
1.2. Connect to services
1.2.1. Social bookmarking like Digg, Technorati,, etc
1.2.2. Shelfari
Share your Shelfari bookshelf through a wiki plugin
Play music from through a wiki plugin.
1.2.4. Skype
Skype Plugin. Call or chat with a Skype user. See: Skype
1.2.5. Facebook
We have a Facebook group 😊
and page:
And in Tiki6, there is an integration with Facebook (to publish links) in the Share feature.
1.2.6. Youtube
1.2.7. Google Docs
1.2.8. Google Gadgets
1.2.9. Google Video
1.2.10. Google Maps
1.2.11. Google AdSense
1.2.12. Google Analytics
1.2.13. Google Web Fonts
1.2.14. Google Website Translator
1.2.15. PayPal
To use some code provided by PayPal
1.2.16. Bing Translator (Microsoft)
1.2.17. Yahoo! groups mailing list
Forum and Mailing List Synchronization Web Sequence Diagrams FedEx and UPS
1.2.18. Zotero
1.2.19. Gravatar
1.3. To another software package
Please note that you must make sure this software is installed and working.
1.3.1. In general
1.3.2. BigBlueButton Audio/Video/Chat/Screensharing
1.3.3. Kaltura Collaborative video editing
Use this open source video project to embed a media or mix into a wiki page. See: Kaltura's Dev Page and Kaltura
1.3.4. dompdf
1.3.5. wkhtmltopdf
1.3.6. Piwik Web analytics
1.3.7. Memcached
1.3.8. APC
1.3.9. XCache
1.3.10. Mailman ("The" GNU Mailing List Manager)
Forum and Mailing List Synchronization
1.3.11. Jabber
1.3.12. PHPlot
1.3.13. Graphviz
1.3.14. R (Statistics and data visualization)

1.3.15. MathJax
1.3.16. Mindmap
1.3.17. PhpFreeChat
1.3.18. Mapserver
Maps Feature
Kamap interface via a mod
Build maps within Tiki, linked to wiki pages to record simply the metadata of each layer
1.3.19. Source control (SVN)
Version control to Tiki bridge added to Tiki6 for Code Review
1.3.20. OpenStreetMap, OpenLayers and Google Street View
1.3.21. External Authentication LDAP/Active Directory, Imap, POP3 & Vpopmail via Pear-Auth,
External Authentication with dozens of options with Hybridauth social login CAS PAM Shibboleth
1.3.22. CClite

1.4. Standards (Data interchange, etc)
1.4.1. RSS
Tiki generates RSS feeds and can, display, import & aggregate RSS feeds. See Feeds and Article Generator
1.4.2. Microformats
Tiki 2.0 supports the hcalendar microformat. See: Microformats
1.4.3. Universal Edit Button
Tiki supports Universal Edit Button since it was introduced.
1.5. File formats
Tiki can handle various file formats. You can store any file type in the File Gallery. In addition, there are ways to handle certain file types.
1.5.1. HTML
1.5.2. Images
Images can be in .gif, .jpeg or .png using the image gallery or File Gallery
1.5.3. JavaScript
1.5.4. Windows Media Player movie(.wmv)
1.5.5. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) (.svg)
SVG-edit (Tiki7)
1.6. Missing
There are more at Visualization. Missing interactions should be added here: interaction
1.7. Past
Now removed, but were part of Tiki's evolution.
1.7.1. Flash
1.7.2. OpenID
Standards | Interactions | Interaction | Integration| Integrations