- Quiz: Many questions. This is a test and you get points for getting the answer right.
- Surveys: Many questions. Can be open-ended or radio buttons, etc. We want to know what you think.
- Polls: One question radio buttons. We want to know what you think.
- Trackers: A powerful general purpose form (and database) building tool, with which you can build surveys.
The Quizzes feature allows you to build sets of questions for contests, e-learning, or just plain fun. Quizzes have several available controls:
- Points per question
- Points per answer
- Passing Grade
- Time Limits
- Repeat the Quiz
- Results Storage and Analysis
Since Tiki 9, the Quizzes feature has been tagged as 'experimental'. To access it on the Features page you must select "Experimental" in your "Preference Filters".
- Quiz User
- Quiz Question Import
- Quiz Admin
- Quiz
- PluginMiniQuiz
- Module top_quizzes
- Module last_created_quizzes
- MiniQuiz 플러그인