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Wysiwyg Editor Admin

Since Tiki2, Tiki includes a Wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) editor: Image , through the integration of Fckeditor in the Wiki feature. Since Tiki6, this wysiwyg mode is powered by CKeditor, the new version family of the same engine.

It can be enabled at Admin -> General panel.

Please note that WYSIWYG doesn't work with Edit by Section.


Description of Wysiwyg Editor Features
Wysiwyg Editor is optional: If disabled, the normal editor will not be available anymore.
... and is displayed by default: If checked, it will be the default editor when creating or modifying a wiki page.
"Content is parsed like a wiki page" means all content of the wiki page is parsed, then __bold__ is shown as bold in parsed result, and is still displayed __bold__ in the source of the wiki page. Then you can mix wysiwyg edition and wikistyle code.
"Content is partially parsed" partial parsing includes:
* parsing of links
* parsing of images and generally what is included in { }
* parsing of wikiplugins
Toolbar skin: It selects the theme styles for icons, colors, etc. used by Wysiwyg editor
Toolbar content: Shows a list of features that will be loaded with the editor. For more information on these features, check the FCKEditor Documentation at http://www.fckeditor.net/

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