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Social Interaction tab

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Use to create a system where users can become connected
To Access
From the Community Admin page, click the Social Interaction tab.

Option Description Default
Friendship Network Users can identify other users as their friends Disabled
Social network type Select how the friendship relations within the social network should be treated.
Follow (as in Twitter) | Friend (as in Facebook) | Followers need approval
Follow (as in Twitter)
Sort order Score ascending | Score descending | Name ascending | Name descending | Login ascending | Login descending Score descending
Name Enabled
Score Enabled
Country Enabled
Distance Enabled
Record basic events Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. This is primarily for entry level options. Using custom events is strongly encouraged. Disabled
Record tracker item creation Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. Disabled
Record tracker item update Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. Disabled
Record user following users Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. Disabled
Record user being followed by users Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. Disabled
Record user adding new friend Enable recording of basic internal Tiki events. Disabled
Custom activities Allow the defining of custom behaviors in addition to internal events. Disabled
Enable notifications through activities Allow users to create notifications using activities. Disabled
Disable indexing of activity stream log Activity stream log in the search index is controlled by the presence of custom or basic activity events and also by enabling monitoring of events by users. Larger activity streams can cause problems with certain search engines. If you have such problems, you can disable indexing of activity stream here. Disabled
Goal, recognition and rewards A tool to set motivational goals to increase engagement on the site. Disabled
Reward badge tracker Tracker ID containing the list of badges to be awarded on goal completion. Each badge can be awarded only once per user.
0 to disable
Groups not eligible for goals Groups that will not be on the eligible group list. Admins, Anonymous
Score Score is a game to motivate participants to increase their contribution by comparing to other users. Disabled

Friendship Network

  • Friend's PluginActivityStream on the Friendship Network page (requires some configuration)
  • Friend List module can be used anywhere to manage friends or followers
  • Internal: Functionality exposed as services to allow lightweight integration into other features

General Description

The Friendship Network is a system where we may ask our fellow Tiki users to be part of our direct contacts. Helping to create a connected community.

Key Function and sub-features

Allows members to request communication. If the request is answered then you will be added to the persons "Friends" list.

  • A new menu "Community" is created, with the correct perms this allows you to see the member list.
  • A sub menu "Friendship Network" takes you to your friend list.
  • Posts by your friends will have a friend icon
  • At the users profile there is a "This user is your friend" note.

Typical Uses

This could be used in a large community to help get people connected.
Used in conjunction with the trackers this could be a powerful way for people to connect.

  • Arranging events
  • Finding friends

When invited into a user's network, you will receive a Tiki Message (in your MyAccount) area, similar to the following:

Copy to clipboard
From: Webkeeper To: jamesoftopiya Cc: Subject: You're invited to join my network of friends! Date: Mon 09 of Aug, 2004 Go to your friendship network to accept or refuse this request

Friendship Network