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History: Newsreader

Source of version: 6 (current)

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            ^This feature was removed from Tiki4, as it was unmaintained and the World is moving to web forums, instead of NNTP.^

! Newsreader

The newsreader can be used to read newsgroups that support the NNTP protocol for news. The first step is to configure or select a news server: 
{img src=img/mytiki/news.gif }

!! Selecting a server 

In the example we configured news.php.net as the news server indicating just the name of the server (no authentication needed in this server).

^::{img src="img/wiki_up/mytiki_newsreader_01.png" }::^

You can edit servers and add as many as you want. Clicking on a server in the list of servers will take you to server groups screen: 

!! Selecting a group

__''insert graphic''__

The list of groups is displayed click on any group to view news for that group. 

!! Reading news

__''insert graphic''__

The list of news for the group will be displayed, you can click on any article to read it. You can also mark your position so only messages that are newer than the marked date will be displayed in bold. 

This is the screen used to read an article:

__''insert graphic''__

Note the next/prev links that can be used to read articles sequentially.