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How to configure Tiki for Elasticsearch Service

This documentation page aims to help you to configure your Tiki site to have it indexed online by Elasticsearch Service.

At this point it's assumed you have an Elastic Service account, as well as a working Deployment there. See https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch for more information.

For your Tiki site search configuration, you'll need some info from the Deployment's main screen, so click on Elasticsearch Copy Endpoint URL link as in the following image:

Cloud Elastic Co

Then go to this page in your tiki: tiki-admin_dsn.php You can get there via Control Panel, Tools, DSN/Content Authentication:

Dsn Content Authentication

You'll paste the copied info down in the Content Authentication section, field URL. Also complete the other fields in that form. Give it an Identifier, e.g. Elastic Cloud, and set Type to HTTP Basic. The Username and Password fields should be filled with your Elastic Service Username and its password. Don't forget to hit Save after filling in the fields:

Content Authentication Form

Then let's take a look at some Search configurations here: tiki-admin.php?page=search#contentadmin_search-1

Make sure you have Unified search engine set to Elasticsearch. Fill the Elasticsearch URL field with the same Endpoint URL from above, and Elasticsearch index prefix in some convenient form such as Tiki_20_local_ in our example:

Elasticsearch Fields

You might also want to configure your online Kibana. Go to the Management tab and click on Index Patterns. In the index pattern field we use our index as defined above, with an asterisk in the end. In our example we chose date as our Time Filter field name. Hit the create button when finished:

Kibana Fields

Time to test our configuration: let's hit the Rebuild index button here tiki-admin.php?page=search#contentadmin_search-1

A modal box should show, in which you have to hit the Rebuild button, in its lower right hand corner. A screen like below will be shown meaning you've successfully indexed your Tiki with Elasticsearch online!

Index Rebuilt Success

Further testing of your setup can be done going to Kibana's Discover tab. Set your Time Range in the upper right corner to 5 years. Hopefully you'll see a screen with a graph and beautiful index data, indicating again that your Tiki has been indexed online:

Kibana Success