
History: Adding fields to a tracker

Comparing version 29 with version 30

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 +!!Adding fields to a tracker
 +^__Step Two__ in: __Four Steps to make a Tracker__
 +||__Step__|__Details__|__Help Page__
 +1. Create the Tracker|Admin names the tracker, and assign overall parameters and permissions| ((Creating a Tracker))
 +__2. Add fields to the Tracker__|__Admin defines the columns and type of information collected__|((Adding fields to a tracker))
 +3. Add items to the tracker|Users fill out the forms to create ''items'' in the tracker|((Adding items to a tracker))
 +4. View or List the results|Use plugins to view a customized tracker output in a page|((Viewing Tracker Results))
 +5.Assign Trackers to Groups|optional - trackers can also be used upon registration.|((Assigning Trackers to groups))||^
 +In tikiwiki, the columns of this tracker are called __fields__ and rows are __items__. Trackers can have any set of fields and any number of items. The columns, or fields, will contain the data about each row, or item, in the table. You can add, remove and list items that you want to track. You can add comments or attach files to each item tracked. You can assign users and groups to each item and, when the item is opened, it will appear in the user-preferences screen. You can monitor Trackers by email. Simple workflows can be modeled using one or more Trackers.
 +To make a Tracker useful and usable, you add some fields to it to capture the data you want to collect. You can administer fields by going to the the "Admin Trackers" list, and clicking the Fields icon ({img src=img/icons/ico_table.gif }).
 +::^{img src="img/wiki_up/trackers_admin_00.png" }^::
 +To add a field, click the Fields action from the Trackers list, then fill in the form that appears indicating the field name, field type, and any applicable options. You can use the field types listed at the end of this page.
 +At least one of the fields in your Tracker must be the "main" field, which links to the item's details from the Tracker listing. This attribute is controlled by the "Column links to edit/view item?" checkbox. You can also indicate if the field is visible or not in the Tracker item list using the "Is column visible when listing tracker items?" checkbox. If a Tracker has a lot of fields you may want to use this checkbox to remove some of them from the item listing, for easier viewing.
 +::^{img src="img/wiki_up/trackers_admin_02.png" }^::
 +Some Tracker field types have options you can set. For example, the drop-down field's items are entered separated by commas. The default value for a drop-down field is set by entering the value twice consecutively, separated by comma. The default can be set to any item in the list, no matter what position the item is placed in the list. In the screenshot below "Academic Staff" has been set as the default by entering it twice.
 +::^{img src="img/wiki_up/trackers_admin_03.png" }^::
 +Once you have entered several fields, defining their type, options and visibility, you will see a list similar to this one:
 +::^{img src="img/wiki_up/trackers_admin_04.png" }^::
 +Note in this graphic the "is main" column. A "y" or yes, means you have checked the "Column links to edit/view item?" checkbox. The list also indicates whether a field will be visible in the item listing, and allows you to edit or remove fields accordingly using this list's Actions.
 +__Hint:__ One default field in any tracker is the "Status" field, which tracks whether an item is open or closed. This field is ''not'' visible in the Fields listing.
 +!!Explanation of Fields
 +__Local URL: __tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php?trackerId=2
 +Each form includes a number of different fields:
 +__Name__|''any text''| This field name is placed above the button or text field, it should be phrased as a query. e.g. (use Role: or "what is your role")||
 +__Type__|__Text input__| ''size'' |
 + | |''prepend''|will be displayed before the field
 + | |''append''|will be displayed just after
 + | |''max with size in chars''
 + | |''max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved''
 + | |''1 to make the next text field or checkbox is in same row''
 + | |''If you indicate only 1 it means next field is in same row too''
 + |__Textarea__ |''quicktags''|1 for on, 0 for off
 + | |''width(in characters)''|width=
 + | |''height(in characters)''|height=
 + | |''max(characters saved)''|max=
 + | |''listmax (number of characters displayed in list mode)''|listmax=
 + |__Drop down combo__|a "choose one" input, enter text options separated by commas (((Drop Down / Radio Tracker Field|example)))
 + |__Checkbox__|a "boolean" on/off yes/no true/false field|put 1 if you need that next field is on the same row.
 + |__Radio buttons__|a "choose one" input, text options separated by commas.
 + |__Date/time__|Date & time picker
 + |__User__|allows a selection from the list of site's users ( ((User / Group / IP Selector Tracker Field|more information)) )
 + | |''1''|Uses the item creator's login
 + | |''2''|Uses the last modifier's login
 + |__Group__|select a group from the list of site's groups ( ((User / Group / IP Selector Tracker Field|more information)) )
 + | |''1''|Uses the item creator's group
 + | |''2''|Uses the last modifier's group
 + |__IP Selector__|records an IP adress ( ((User / Group / IP Selector Tracker Field|more information)) )
 + | |''1''|Choose the item creator's IP
 + | |''2''|Displays the last modifier's IP
 + |__Country Selector__|A dropdown of all countries
 + | |''1''|Displays only country name
 + | |''2''|Displays only country flag
 + | |''(none)''|Displays both name and flag.
 + |__Numeric__
 + | |''1''|display the next field in the same row
 + | |''size''|in characters
 + | |''prepend''' |text displayed before the field
 + | |''append'' |will be displayed just after
 + |__Image__|Allows user to upload an image
 + | |''xListSize''| size in pixels of the horizontal axis in "List View" mode (automatically rescaled if the upload image is larger)|
 + | |''yListSize''| size in pixels of the vertical axis in "List View" mode (automatically rescaled if the upload image is higher)|
 + | |''xDetailsSize''| size in pixels of the horizontal axis in "Item View" mode (automatically rescaled if the upload image is larger)|
 + | |''yDetailsSize''| size in pixels of the vertical axis in "Item View" mode (automatically rescaled if the upload image is higher)|
 + | |''uploadLimitScale''| maximum size of a picture. If the image is larger or higher, the uploaded image will be rescaled automatically- the initial image will not be saved|
 + |__Header__|Creates a new section in create tracker item view (divides the form into sections), Field title is displayed as heading 2, description below.
 + |__Action__|Label,post,tiki-index.php,page:fieldname,highlight=test
 + |__Category__|applies a category to the tracker item (((Category Tracker Field|example)))
 + | |''parentId''|applies the same category as the tracker
 + | |''radio''|lists the available categories so the user can choose one
 + | |''checkbox''|(default) lists the available categories so that the user can check all that apply
 + |__Item Link__|Links (related) items from one tracker to another (((Items List and Item Link Tracker Fields|example)) )
 + | |''trackerId''|enter the tracker ID number to be linked to.
 + | |''fieldId''|enter the corresponding field ID
 + | |''linkToItem'' |links to item from trackerId whichever fieldId matches the content of that field.
 + | |''1''|to create a link to items in view mode and listing linkToItems
 + | |''0''|to create a link to the item in view mode
 + | |''0''|to create a link to the item in listmode
 + |__Items list__|displays the list of displayFieldIdThere from item in tracker trackerId where fieldIdThere matches fieldIdHere. linkToItems 1~np~|~/np~0
 + | |''trackerId''
 + | |''fieldIdThere''
 + | |''fieldIdHere''
 + | |''displayFieldIdThere''
 + |__Email address__|
 + | |''0''|displays the address as plain text
 + | |''1''|displays a hex encoded mailto link (more difficult for web spiders to pick it up and spam)
 + | |''2''|displays the normal href mailto.
 + | __Subscription__ | Set up a counter and allow users subscription to an event that is the tracker item. (((Subscription Tracker Field|more information)))
 + |__Dynamic Items list__| Refresh "dynamically" a list based on another list. For example, when i select "Solaris" in the first list "Solaris, Windows, Linux, ...", the dynamic list does a request to obtains its items like "Solaris 2.9, Solaris 2.10, ...". If i select "Windows" in the first list, the second list change "dynamically" its content to "Windows 2000, Windows XP, ...". ''(In Tikiwiki 1.10)'' ||
 +For more detail ((Tracker Field Type))
 +__Is column visible when listing tracker items?__| ''tick/untick'' |Adds/removes the column from the list view.
 +__Column links to edit/view item?__| ''tick/untick'' |links from list view to item view, normally only the leading column should link
 +__Column is searchable?__| ''tick/untick'' |makes column data searchable by . . .
 +__Field is public?__| ''tick/untick'' |hides/reveals columns displayed using the trackerlist plugin.
 +__Field is hidden?__| ''tick/untick'' |'not hidden': every body who can see the item can see and edit the field.
 +"|"|'visible by admin only': only admin can see and edit the field and its value.
 +"|"|'editable by admin': everybody who can see the item can see the field and its value, but only admin can edit their value.
 +"|"|'visible by creator and admin': the field and its value can be seen in tracker list only for admin and only for a new item or an item belonging to a user (see @@ for the definition of belonging)
 +"|"|'visibleBy' with a list of groups: After all the previous conditions have been checked, the user default group must be in the list of these groups to see the field. A field that is seen but not editable appears in an input form.
 +"|"|'editableBy' with a list of groups: After all the previous conditions have been checked, the user default group must be in the list of these groups to see and edit the field
 +__Field is mandatory?__| ''tick/untick'' |User must complete this field to save the item. Usually to be mandatory means that the value must not be empty. But a mandatory checkbox has no sense, because a checkbox has always a value y or n (yes/no). If you want a behavior like for a disclaimer, please use a mandatory radio button (accept/do not accept)
 +__Order:__| ''integer'' |Row order of the field
 +__Description:__| |descriptive text which is (sometimes) included in the cell with the input field
 + | ||


Information Version
Marc Laporte 40
drsassafras removing legacy info 39
Xavier de Pedro 38
Xavier de Pedro 37
Xavier de Pedro 36
Charles Baker jAdd multiselect to the list of tracker fields. 35
Marc Laporte 34
Xavier de Pedro 33
Xavier de Pedro added aliases 32
sylvie 30
mlpvolt 29
sylvie 28
sylvie 27
sylvie 26
Xavier de Pedro 25
dthacker Clarification of default value 24
Xavier de Pedro some updated screenshots 23
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 22
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) 21
Xavi (as xavidp - admin) added some links to examples... and a | escaped 20
sylvie 19
mlpvolt 18
Marc Laporte it's not a timestamp but a real time & date picker. Separately, there is a system created & last modified date for all tracker items. 17
almaviva 16
almaviva 15
almaviva 14
almaviva 13
almaviva 12
almaviva 11
almaviva 10
almaviva 9
almaviva 8
almaviva 7
almaviva 6
mlpvolt 5
mlpvolt completed (for now) table 4
mlpvolt Adding screen options into table. 3
mlpvolt 2
mlpvolt screen scrape 1


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