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Embed a drawing in a page

Plugin Draw

New in Tiki8 (and backported to 7.1).

Keep in mind that PluginDraw has been superseded by the new and more versatile/powerful PluginDiagram, introduced in Tiki20, which can also import and export drawings in .svg files.

Embed a drawing in a wiki page. See Draw for more information.


Embed a drawing in a page
Introduced in Tiki 7.1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_draw, wikiplugin_draw

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
archive (blank)
The latest revision of file is automatically shown, by setting archive to Yes (y), it bypasses this check and shows the archive rather than the latest revision n 8.0
height Height in pixels or percentage. Default value is complete drawing height. Image height 7.1
width Width in pixels or percentage. Default value is page width, for example, 200px or 100% Image width 7.1
id Internal ID of the file ID 7.1


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{draw id="910"}

Would produce:

Layer 1


Plugin Draw