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Some details about Categories internals, needs review (Cached)

Categories Details

This page really Needs review. Before today (guess when 😉 it was not modified for 2 years, and does not contain any explanatory documentation, only cryptic tables over things related to categorries. I added some text below, that definitely needs review as I am little more than a newbie with Tiki... Enjoy and correct in the Wikiway

Categories are a feature of Tiki that allows to characterize Wiki pages, Trackers and other elements (which ?).
You should not mix them with Keywords, another feature of Tiki that is less structured.

This page contains mainly tables about Categories, including the relevan permissions, database structures, etc. Since some references are very old, it is probably obsolete to some extent.


Perm Name Default Level Description
tiki_p_admin_categories editors This permission grants access to tiki-admin_categories.php, and is required when a user needs to change categories as well.
tiki_p_view_categories registered * can see objects and list of objects in the category. * required to have the display of the categpath (on top) on wiki pages, as well as categobjects at the bottom. * this perm now also is required to categorize anything. This could provide a layer where categs are only visible to a given group for internal management, while other groups won't even know there is a categories system.
tiki_p_edit_categorized registered * allows user to edit objects in category * replaces tiki_p_edit_categories(in 1.9 or prev).
tiki_p_view_categorized registered * view-only permissions on a category. * replaces tiki_p_view_categories (in 1.9 and prev)


Pref name in tiki_preferences tabledefault valuecomment
feature_categoryobjects Show Category Objects (displays the objects in the categories in which objects of some types are categorized)
feature_categorypath Show Category Path (displays the categories in which objects of some types are categorized)


module nameusage
last_category_objects Displays the last objects categorized in the category with specified id, and of default type (default type is not anything, but Wiki page). The actually displayed objects (and their order) may be incorrect if some were progressively categorized in multiple categories.

Files used

Main files categorize.php
Admin tiki-admin_categories.php
Libs lib/categories/categlib.php
Modules modules/mod-last_category_objects.php
Plugins lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_category.php


tiki_categories Categories and information about them (name description, parent, hits)
tiki_categorized_objects Categorized objects (type, objId, description, created (date representing the last time the object was not categorized), date, href (URL to access the object), hits)
tiki_category_objects Categories (categId) in which categorized objects are categorized. Used with tiki_categorized_objects with common field catObjectId

Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 24 July, 2019 11:52:55 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.