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Insert copyright notices

Plugin Copyright

This wiki plugin inserts a copyright notice based on the copyright property for the page.


Insert copyright notices
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wiki_feature_copyrights, wikiplugin_copyright

(body of plugin) - Pattern for display of the copyright information. May contain ~title~, ~year~, ~authors~ and ~holder~.
no parameters


Before the plugin can work, you'll need to:

  1. Go to Control Panels > Features > Experimental (tab) and check Copyright to turn on the copyright feature
  2. Go to Control Panels > Copyright and check Wiki or whichever feature you want to display the copyright for
  3. For the page you want to display the copyright for, click on Edit to edit the page and then complete the copyright information (title, year, authors) - this is under the Properties tab starting with version 4. See Copyright for more information.

Once above is done, entering ~title~, ~year~, or ~authors in the body of the plugin will cause those copyright elements for the page to display. For example, ~title~ will correspond to the title you entered in the 3rd step above, etc.


Let's assume that you've entered the following copyright information for a page:
Title: Tikiwiki Documentation
Year: 2010
Authors: Tikiwiki community

Then using this code on that page:

Copy to clipboard
{COPYRIGHT()}~title~ is copyrighted ~year~ by the ~authors~{COPYRIGHT}

Would produce:

The second line allowing the user to edit copyright information will only show if the user has permission to edit copyrights (tiki_p_edit_rights is set to y).

Created by system. Last Modification: Friday 13 October, 2023 10:25:13 GMT-0000 by Baraka Kinywa.

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
44 copyright.png Copyright plugin result lindon 3.32 Kb 1618