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File Gallery

File Galleries enable secure and efficient uploading, storage, downloading and other serving of all types of files including images, videos, podcasts, text and PDF documents and more. Various views of files are possible such as lists, thumbnails and page views. Simple wiki syntax enables displaying files in wiki pages, articles, blog posts and so on, for individual files or multiple files such as in an image slider. A Tiki site can use either the standard Tiki interface or elFinder interface.
This page and linked-to pages describe how to configure and use the File Gallery feature.
To access
Click the File Gallery icon on the Admin Panel
or Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=fgal
Maximum file name size in file galleries is 80 characters. The name may be truncated without warning if the file name is longer than 80 characters.

File Galleries

The file galleries feature can be a site repository or download manager for all types of files: images, video, audio, podcasts, text, software (releases, patches, docs), etc., etc. Files uploaded into file galleries can easily be displayed or linked from wiki pages, articles, blog posts, and other content.

File galleries are created and configured through the admin interface. Use the permissions system to specify who can create galleries, upload, download and delete files, etc. Statistics are kept of each download. You can produce stats for the most downloaded files, most visited file galleries and last uploaded files. Files can be replaced with a new version, with archived versions still available.

Key features

See also

elFinder has been integrated to allow managing files in file galleries. Please see: elFinder

Once the feaure "elFinder" is enabled sitewide in the admin panel for file galleries, then you will have the option to choose Finder view in each file gallery:

Click to expand
Click to expand

You will also be able to set the new "Finder view" as the default one per file gallery, through the interface to change the "display properties":

Click to expand
Click to expand

The elFinder view allow you have many contextual actions if you right click with the mouse pointer on a file:

Click to expand
Click to expand

Moreover, you will be able to drag and drop files from one file gallery to others:

Click to expand
Click to expand

And you will be able also to drag some files from your local desktop in your own computer, and drop them inside the file gallery of your choice:

Click to expand
Click to expand

Last, you will be able to display files in a detailed view, sort them by many criteria, like by file types:

Click to expand
Click to expand

WebODF has been integrated to support the viewing and editing of Open Document Format (ODF). Please see: Docs.

Earlier improvements

  • Wiki pages and user files can be stored in the file gallery. Also SVG editing is available via Draw.
  • File in file galleries can have drafts, like Wiki pages.
  • File galleries can be accessed via WebDAV.
  • File galleries can also support image galleries, with image browsing, and dynamic insertion of wiki syntax to add an image to a wiki page.

File Gallery to produce image galleries
File galleries have been improved in a way that they can handle images also, and act de facto as image galleries, or podcast galleries, etc., with added features on them. This is to end up in newer tiki releases reducing code duplication between file galleries and image galleries, and users confusion on where to save and find files (whatever type they are). In the same way, in later Tiki releases, file galleries might also handle file attachments to wiki pages, ...

File Gallery diaporama
Improved file gallery diaporama.

Moreover, File galleries are closer to replace image galleries, since they include most (if not all) the previous functonality from image galleries, and benefit from the improvements in the file galleries.



New file types recognized by tiki
New file type icons have been added to file galleries in order to recognize and visualize them accordingly. They include: .7z, .flv, .mp4, .odg, odp, .ods, .odt, .ogm, .ogv, .svg.

From Here


Created by system. Last Modification: Thursday 29 February, 2024 21:16:55 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte.