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History: TrackerFilter 플러그인

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! TrackerFilter 플러그인

''Tiki 1.9.5 에서 소개됨''

!! 목적
일부 필드를 필터링하여 트래커 항목을 필터할 수 있는 인터페이스를 제공

!! 문법
{TRACKERFILTER(trackerId=1, filters=1/d:2/r:3, fields=1:4:5)}This is the result{TRACKERFILTER}

* __trackerId__: 트래커의 Id
* __filters__ 는 표시되는 서식으로 필터될 수 있는 필드의 목록.
+The fields are identified by their numeric Ids. All the fields must belong to the same tracker. After tiki>=8, the status can be a filter and must be entered as status or Status (Filter example: 3/d:Status/d)
+The Id can be followed by the character / and one of this format:
** d: drop down list of all the values occurring for the field: only one value can be selected
** r: radio buttons of all the values occurring for the field: only one value can be selected
** m: multiple choice in the drop down list of all the values occurring for the field( a multiple choice acts as an OR between the values of the choice)
** c: checkbox (multiple choice) in the drop down list of all the values occurring for the field
** t: text entry (tikiwiki >= 2.0): a text input where the user must enter a part of the text
++If the text contains % like a%. it will search all the values beginning with % (can also do %a or a%b%c) or a* or *a
** T: text entry (tikiwiki >= 2.0): a text input where the user must enter an exact value of the field
** i: text entry + initial (tikiwiki >=2.0): a list of initial that will directly filter on an initial. Note: if you use initial, not other field can be filtered
** sqlsearch: advanced mysql search (tikiwiki >= 5.0): a list of fields where a mysql advanced search will be done - Note: the search is done field content per field content: It means if you query A B and A is in a field and B in another one you will not find the item. The syntax will be (1:2)/sqlsearch means 'do a advanced mysqlsearch on fields 1 and 2.
** > or < or >= or <=: comparison (tw >=6.0): the field will be compared using the format as operator. Ex: filters="1/>=" will find all the items with the field 1 bigger (for a numeric)  or after (for a date) the value the user will give
* __fields__ will show the fields displayed for the selected items
* __action__ : name of the submit button - default filter (tw >= 1.9.8)
* all the params of the tracker ((PluginTrackerList|TRACKERLIST)) can be added to customize the look of the result (except the filterfield, exactvalue and filtervalue - that will overwrite the filter selection) Some are interesting:
** __goIfOne__: go directly to the item display (tiki-view_tracker_item.php) if only one item is found (tikiwiki >= 1.9.8)
** __displayList__: y or n to display the full list of items before the first filtering (default: n that displays only the filter the first time) 
** __editable__: indicate which fields (numeric,colon separated) should be editable from the list of displayed items in the results table. (tiki >= 11.0)
** __editableall__: y or N. When enabled (y), all displayed fields (as indicated in the __fields__ param will be used as the list of editable fields. (tiki >= 11.0)
** __line__: y or n to display all the filters on the same line (default n)
* __noflipflop__: Will not show the flipflop to hide and display the list of filters. (tw >=6.0)
* __export_action__: (tikiwiki >= 6.0) if set to appropriate text e.g."Confirm CSV Download" this over-rides the normal trackerfilter approach and displays a button with the designated text that directly exports the set of fields specified as a CSV file. A filter to define a specific 'filter set' must be defined by using the filterfield, filtervalue/exactvalue parameters, formatted in the standard ways. Additional parameter options are (default|alternate):
**__export_itemid__=y|n - includes the ItemId in the export
**__export_status__=n|y - includes the status field in the export
**__export_modif__=n|y - includes the modified date in the export
**__export_created__=n|y - includes the creation date in the export
**__export_charset__=UTF-8|ISO-8859-1 - defines the character set to be used for the export
*__googlemapButtons__=y|n - Display Mapview and Listview buttons (from Tiki6, requires Google Maps feature)
*__url__ replace tracker item url with the url you input in the field. You can include the Item Id. This is very usefull combined with TrackerList and/or Pretty tracker to link the results of the tracker filter to another page (wiki or template) where the item will be displayed as single entity (using TrackerList plugin).
+''Use Case'' : Search and display tracker item in wiki pages without any relation to the trackers usual design (buttons, pagination, etc)
+Set the plugin TrackerFilter in a wiki page to display and filter tracker item. Be sure it is working with the usual parameters and display items. Set the parameter Show Links to yes (showlinks="y") and in the parameter URL set the page that will be used to display the item once the item link is clicked with the following url="singleitem_tpl&itemId". 
+Create a second wiki page named "singleitem_tpl". In this page set the plugin TrackerList with the Tracker Id parameter and set for Wiki Page (wiki="item_tpl").
+Create a third page named item_tpl that you are now free to design the way you want that will display the item fields.
+ That way you can design all the way the page using wiki syntax and CSS and the user will never have the feeling he is looking at a tracker or at trackers items.

플러그인 데이터는 결과의 상단에 표기될 것입니다 (tikiwiki >=1.9.8)

{TRACKERFILTER(filters=1/d:2/r:3:(4:5)/sqlsearch, fields=1:4:5, showtitle=n, showlinks=y, showdesc=n, showinitials=n, showstatus=n, status=opc, sort_mode=f_1_asc)}{TRACKERFILTER}

It can be interesting to use the checkbox capacity of trackerlist to do some action on some filtered items

{TRACKERFILTER(filters=82/d:84, fields=82:83, checkbox=85/to/Email to checked/send/soho-send_message.php/soho-send_message.tpl)}

You can also get directly connected to the message box
{TRACKERFILTER(filters=82/m:84, fields=82:83, checkbox=85/to/Email to checked/xxx/messu-compose.php) /}

!! Field types allowed
|| Field type | since tiki version
category - e | 6, and probably earlier
drop-down list - d | 6, and probably earlier
email - m | 6, and probably earlier
text field - t | 6, and probably earlier
textarea - a | 6, and probably earlier
numeric field - n | 6, and probably earlier
country - y | 6, and probably earlier
user | 6, and probably earlier
group | 6, and probably earlier
item list | 9, only as text
item link | 9, only as text
auto-increment | 9
freetags | 9

For a drop-down list, the values of the drop down list will be displayed, For the other field types, the values found in the database will be displayed.

Imagine a tracker 
{BOX(bg=grey)}{img fileId=213 }{BOX}
A search page like this
{TRACKERFILTER(trackerId=1, filters=5:6:9:8/d:(2:1:3)/sqlsearch, showlinks=y, fields=5:2:1, wiki="tracker ideas") /}
The page will look like
{BOX(bg=grey)}{img fileId=212 }{BOX}

and when you  click on filter you will have something like this
{BOX(bg=grey)}{img fileId=214 }{BOX}
* a checkbox value is 'y' or 'n' in tw >=2.0 (some bugs were around before tw<2 that insert checkbox values as yes, no, on, or empty- please clean your database if problem)