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Tikiwiki VMware Appliance

This is an installation guide.

Franck Martin put together a VMware appliance that runs Tikiwiki on top of Mandriva 2006 server. Check out his article.

The info below is a compilation of info from Franck's post augumented with info about configuring the appliance to be used with static IP instead of DHCP-provided one.


To get the appliance running, you need:

You end up with a full featured server with about 1.5GB of free space, ready for you to play with tikiwiki. You can even upgrade the server and do other things...

  1. start the virtual machine
  2. expand the tikiwiki.zip file in its own directory (requires 2GB of free space)
  3. put the Mandriva Tikiwiki virtual machine into inventory and start it (you might want to re-map the floppy/CD drive before you start to avoid some alert messages)
  4. the Mandriva 2006 server will boot, acquire an IP address via your PC network card and start tikwiki (apache+php+mysql+mapscript).
  5. the virtual machine displays the network card configuration and displays its IP address and then give you a prompt.
  6. note the IP address of eth0 and then point your host machine preferred browser to it.

You will be greeted by Tikiwiki main screen (note the user name and password for Tikiwiki admin and also the root password for Mandriva).
You have full capabilities to customize and work with this tikiwiki.
When you have finished, type halt on the prompt of the virtual machine. This will shut down Mandriva and save all your changes.

Configure static IP

To config. the appliance to use static IP follow these steps:

  1. Open the VMware server or player console and switch to Mandriva Tikiwiki (If you have more than one VM installed)
  2. make sure the Tkiwiki appliance is running
  3. you need to modify the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file. For the Linux-agnostic, here are the steps:
    1. log in as root
    2. open file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 in your favorite editor (I used vi)
    3. change the info to look like the attached screenshot - using your own network info (of course)
  4. reboot the VM
