Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146
Vary content based on the page language | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Vary content based on the page language

Plugin Language

Use the wiki plugin to vary content based on the page language.


Tiki Doc From Code error: lang not found
Cached pages don't render this plugin correctly. Do not cache the page that this plugin is used on.


Based on language

Copy to clipboard
{LANG(lang="en")}Hello{LANG} {LANG(lang="fr")}Bonjour{LANG}

If the current language is en (English), "Hello" will be displayed. If it is fr (French), "Bonjour".

Based on language and not language

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{LANG(lang="fr")}Bonjour le monde!{LANG}{LANG(lang="es")}¡Hola, mundo!{LANG}{LANG(notlang="fr+es")}Hello world!{LANG}

Would produce on this site:
Hello world!

With PluginTranslated

The language can match the lang url parameter. So if you couple this plugin with the PluginTranslated, you can have a kind of multilinguism:

Copy to clipboard
{LANG(lang="fr")}en Français{LANG} {LANG(lang="en")}in English{LANG} --- (page break) {TRANSLATED(flag="France" lang="fr")}[./tiki-index.php?page=MyPage&lang=fr|>>]{TRANSLATED} {TRANSLATED(flag="United_States" lang="en")}[./tiki-index.php?page=MyPage&lang=en|>>]{TRANSLATED}

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