
Plugin Language

Use the wiki plugin to vary content based on the page language.


Show alternative content based on the page language
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_multilingual, wikiplugin_lang

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Content to show
lang List of languages for which the block is displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Use + to separate multiple languages. 1
notlang List of languages for which the block is not displayed. Languages use the two letter language codes (ex: en, fr, es, ...). Use + to separate multiple languages. 1

Cached pages don't render this plugin correctly. Do not cache the page that this plugin is used on.


Based on language

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{LANG(lang="en")}Hello{LANG} {LANG(lang="fr")}Bonjour{LANG}

If the current language is en (English), "Hello" will be displayed. If it is fr (French), "Bonjour".

Based on language and not language

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{LANG(lang="fr")}Bonjour le monde!{LANG}{LANG(lang="es")}¡Hola, mundo!{LANG}{LANG(notlang="fr+es")}Hello world!{LANG}

Would produce on this site:
Hello world!

With PluginTranslated

The language can match the lang url parameter. So if you couple this plugin with the PluginTranslated, you can have a kind of multilinguism:

Copy to clipboard
{LANG(lang="fr")}en Français{LANG} {LANG(lang="en")}in English{LANG} --- (page break) {TRANSLATED(flag="France" lang="fr")}[./tiki-index_raw.php?page=MyPage&lang=fr|>>]{TRANSLATED} {TRANSLATED(flag="United_States" lang="en")}[./tiki-index_raw.php?page=MyPage&lang=en|>>]{TRANSLATED}

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