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Show user real names for members of a group | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Show user real names for members of a group

Plugin Real Name List

Introduced in Tiki4

Use this wiki plugin to create a list of users showing their real names and allows subsetting by Group name. The admin user and/or users whose login contains the string test can be excluded from the list shown. The list can either be in table format, or in a string. In the latter case a separator can be specified.


Tiki Doc From Code error: realnamelist not found
Users without real names come first with their user names in italics.


Ascending with table layout

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{REALNAMELIST(sort="asc" layout="table" max="10")}DocTwoAdmins{REALNAMELIST}

Would produce on this site:

users in group(s) containing *DocTwoAdmins*:
Aris Bernotas
Baraka Kinywa
Benoit Roy
Eutyche ODIMBA
Geoff Brickell
Horia N.

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{REALNAMELIST(sort="asc" link="userinfo")}DocTwoAdmins{REALNAMELIST}

Would produce on this site:
drsassafras, lindon, rjsmelo, Adrien, Aris Bernotas, Baraka Kinywa, Benoit Roy, Eutyche ODIMBA, Geoff Brickell, Horia N., ibrahim mussa, Jean-Marc KADIMBA, Jorge Sá Pereira, Josue Zirimwabagabo, luciash d' being 🧙, Marc Laporte, Nelson Ko, Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties, Roberto Kirschbaum, Victor Emanouilov, Xavi (as xavidp - admin), Yannick Nsenga