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List all pages that link to a particular page

Plugin Backlinks

This wiki plugin will list all pages that link to a specific page in the site. Information about the pages may also be displayed.


List all pages and tracker items that link to a particular page
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_wiki, wikiplugin_backlinks

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
noheader (blank)
With or without header (default is with header) 1
info text
separator: |
Pipe separated list of fields to display. ex: hits|user 1
include_self (blank)
With or without self-link (default is without) 0 1
page pagename The page links will point to. Default value is the current page. pagename 1
exclude pagename
separator: |
Pipe-separated list of pages to be excluded from the listing, for example: HomePage|Sandbox 1



If page information (such as hits or user) is specified, then a simple table will be produced. So this code,

Copy to clipboard
{backlinks page="Documentation" info="hits|user" exclude="SandBox"}

Would produce on this site:
5 pages link to Documentation

Page Hits User
All the Documentation 794445 marclaporte
Tutorials 268127 marclaporte
Contacts 43135 marclaporte
설치 5804 drsassafras
Installation,de 10579 drsassafras

One tracker item links to Documentation

Bullet list

If only the page name is to be listed, then a bulleted list is produced. So this code,

Copy to clipboard

Would produce on this site:
8 pages link to PluginBacklinks

Created by mlpvolt. Last Modification: Monday 26 August, 2019 12:55:54 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte.