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Allow users to subscribe to a list of groups | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Allow users to subscribe to a list of groups

Plugin Subscribe Groups

Introduced in Tiki2

If you have allowed users to subscribe themselves to groups, you can use this wiki plugin to allow them to subscribe/unsubscribe to a list of groups. Please see PluginSubscribeGroup for a related plugin that allows a user to subscribe/unsubscribe to a single group.

Security and permissions

  • A user must have the perm tiki_p_subscribe_group to be able to see the box
    To set this permission go to Settings > Groups
  • The group must be set as being a user choice
    To set this configuration go to Settings > Groups

 Security Caution
Using this plugin, any registered user will be able to access any group provided that the group has "User Choice" checked in the settings for the group at Settings > Groups.


Tiki Doc From Code error: subscribegroups not found

In the list of groups, you can see included groups in italics. You can not unsubscribe to an included group, if you are in the including group.


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{subscribegroups groups="Cinergie:Editors" subscribe="Subscribe to a group"}

Would produce:



Created by lindon. Last Modification: Wednesday 07 August, 2019 09:45:59 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.