Plugin Subscribe Newsletter
Introduced in Tiki5
Use this wiki plugin to allow a user to subscribe directly to a newsletter (without having to choose the newsletter). If the user is not subscribed to the newsletter a button will appear, otherwise nothing will appear.
To use this module you need to be sure the newsletter feature is activated. Also the plugin xxx is not activated by default and you need to enable it in the xxx panel at xxxx.
For anonymous or a group to see the Subscribe Newsletter module you need to check and assign permission (none by default) for "Can subscribe any email address to newsletters (tiki_p_subscribe_email)".
{SUBSCRIBENEWSLETTER(nlId="1" thanks="Thank you for subscribing" button="Subscribe" wikisyntax="1" inmodule="y")}!!Newsletter Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium adipisci dolores earum eos labore laudantium modi, nam possimus sit vero! {SUBSCRIBENEWSLETTER}