Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146
Display a button for a user to click to make an object a favorite | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Display a button for a user to click to make an object a favorite

Plugin Favorite

Use this wiki plugin, introduced in Tiki8, to display a button for a user to click to make an object a favorite.


Tiki Doc From Code error: favorite not found


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{favorite objectType="wiki page" objectId="PluginFavorite"}

You need to login to try this out

A more generic code (works on any page):

Copy to clipboard
{favorite objectType="wiki page" objectId="{ {page} }"}
(no spaces between "{ {" and "} }")

Alias names of this page:
Plugin Favourite | PluginFavourite | Plugin Favorite

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