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  • Wiki Syntax in Author Coffeeshop

    wiki syntax Use this thread to discuss the page:: wiki syntax > Use this thread to discuss the page:: wiki syntax This page with heading syntax elements seems to be orphaned: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=wiki-Sy...

  • Wiki-Syntax Images in Author Coffeeshop

    wiki-syntax Images Use this thread to discuss the page:: wiki-syntax Images Hi all (been a TW user/lurker for a couple of years - hoping to make more of a contribution in the near future - meanwhile...) Has anyone got the hspace tag...

  • Wiki Syntax in Features

    wiki syntax Apply formatting and styling to text directly or via editor toolbar buttons; no need for HTML. Strong help feature and usable throughout various features such as blogs and articles, not just in the wiki! https://dev.tikiwiki...

  • Wiki Plugin (extends basic syntax) in Features

    wiki Plugins Over 100 built-in plugins extend the function of wiki syntax with more specialized commands. It is very easy to create your own plugins with plugin alias or from scratch. https://dev.tikiwiki.org/Plugin Text Area B B B ...

  • 01 The Wiki Syntax Thumbnail in Video Thumbnails

    01 The wiki syntax Thumbnail 01 the wiki syntax thumbnail.png

  • tiki6 filegals default wiki syntax when click 00.png in Images for the Documentation pages

    tiki6 filegals default wiki syntax when click 00.png tiki6_filegals_default_wiki_syntax_when_click_00.png

  • Support for the Wiki creole markup (syntax) External

    Creole syntax as standardized syntax should definitely be used. wikimedia synatx is wide-spread but did not have as much thought as creole syntax had and also was not developed open and in a community and aimed at becoming a standard. Ha...

  • forum_strip_wiki_syntax_outgoing in Prefreport output - Tiki 19

    1 1 15 Strip wiki markup from outgoing forum emails n Convert outgoing emails from forum posts to plain text. forums/1 feature_forum_parse flag forum_strip_wiki_syntax_outgoing

  • Wiki-Syntax Links

    can a url be made into a link automatically? Yes there is a autolinks option on your Admin->Features page. How about blogs? etc Is there any wiki-syntax links for these? At the moment I treat these as external links eg http://tiki...

  • Wiki Syntax

    syntax search structures font size toc table wiki syntax ! wiki syntax Tiki wiki CMS Groupware has a rich and flexible system for formatting and presenting pages. This page describes how to format text, using wiki syntax, on wiki pages...

  • Wiki-Syntax Text

    Is there a way to indent a block of text? This text is indented this is also indented, but there are extra linefeeds between OK, it finally bothered me enough to fix it. A non-blanking space is ~hs~ , not ~hs~~ ! The latter puts an e...

  • Wiki-Syntax Tables

    syntax wiki-syntax Tables wiki syntax for creating simple tables ! wiki-syntax Tables Creating Tables with wiki syntax Tables are often needed for organizing data information. Tiki has a simple syntax for defining a table. In wiki...

  • WYSIWYG doesn't create tables with Wiki syntax External

    Hi Gabriel, The relevant setting is wysiwyg_htmltowiki ("Use wiki syntax in WYSIWYG"), in the WYSIWYG control panel. gabrielcossette gabrielcossette marclaporte Marc Laporte If I create a table using the WYSIWYG Editor and click on the...

  • Advanced Wiki Syntax usage examples

    wiki syntax size text spaces wiki Advanced wiki syntax usage examples Examples of advanced wiki syntax usage ! Advanced wiki syntax Examples wiki syntax is simple and useful in most cases. However, there are some times where wiki syntax ...

  • URLs including wiki-syntax are not linking properly External

    New amette amette amette amette This does probably affect (all) previous Tiki versions, too. When creating links to pages that have some kind of wiki syntax in them, the wiki syntax will be interpreted and therefore break the links. ...

  • Wiki Syntax page at dev is broken (wishes plugin alias) External

    The situation is now quite different (no errors), but it remains broken. It is breaking the site layout because one tracker item contains the ..page.. syntax in code which should not be rendered (but it is). Out of Date Bsfez Bernard Sfez ...

  • A structure on Doc.tiki.org disappeared, making wiki page "Wiki-syntax" empty External

    This page was rolled back by chibaguy to a version which is not dependent on the missing structure. Discussion of this issue started at https://tiki.org/forumthread69731-doc-tiki-org-wiki-syntax-empty?topics_offset=5 Yes, rolled back and...

  • Wiki Table-Syntax broken External

    Invalid amette amette amette amette wiki syntax parsing for tables is broken Following two things are supposed to work. These are just copied from the offered quicktags. r1c1 r1c2 r2c1 r2c2 r1c1 r1c2 r2c1|r2c2 First...

  • "Advanced" tables altered when "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" (wysiwyg_htmltowiki) is enabled External

    This is a duplicate of issue #4625, but I marked that one as a duplicate instead. New Chealer9 Philippe Cloutier Chealer9 Philippe Cloutier The WYSIWYG editor supports tables whether the content is stored as HTML or as Tiki/wiki syntax....

  • Wiki plugin (syntax and) parsing makes embedding code inconvenient External

    none of the two suggested work-arounds do the job The edit plugin icon is also messy to work with. Icons of embedded code should not be shown or shown only in the end of the root plugin. and the additional to the end of the plugin is rea...

  • Wiki-Syntax Lists

    Two items. 1 The examples given on this page make the assumption that the Table syntax is set to "\n" instead of "|| for rows" - the installation default - this is not mentioned. 2 This page is long enought that it really should have a TO...

  • Wiki-Syntax Images

    Need to mention that the ALT element works as well. For example: wiki image syntax also now includes imalign (so HTML isn't needed for wrapping text) and usemap attributes. Been searching all over tw.o and doc.tw.o for any mention of ...

  • Wiki syntax doesn't work in Tracker comments External

    Does/should wiki syntax work in general in all comments? As per Tiki23 wiki syntax is working in comments (and in trackers comments) Fixed or Solved marbux marbux marclaporte Marc Laporte wiki syntax is not enabled in Tracker comments o...

  • Add preview button to tracker item submissions (useful for wiki syntax) External

    As per Tiki23 there is a preview button for tracker items edit and create. Fixed or Solved xavidp Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Bsfez Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist I could be nice to have the "preview" button at tracker item submission time...

  • 12.x: page alias links lost if full wysiwyg and wiki syntax External

    New xavi Xavier de Pedro xavi Xavier de Pedro When you have your Tikiw with Wysiwyg enabled, and using wiki syntax in the wiki pages, then page alias links are saved as internal links. Example for the domain example.com. This syntax ...

  • change syntax on tracker urls to avoid square brackerts (conflict with wiki syntax) External

    Urls of aggregated calendarIDs also contain square brackets. As per Tiki23, there is several issues this. After several filters have been applied from tracker_view the url parameters contains garbage. The url parameters still needed in s...

  • Wiki-syntax parsing is different in lot of other places than in Wiki External

    I don't understand or see a problem. Can someone confirm/duplicate and/or explain differently? Thanks! M 😉 I couldn't understand the issue and I see you were asked to give more information. I assume this is not an issue anymore. Not en...

  • Wiki Syntax: add support for @username mentions with notification External

    See also: https://indieweb.org/mention Similar to Enabled on this site it seems to work just fine, except it does not seem to send any notifications to mentioned users, or does it? Test: @Marc Laporte can you confirm? Also TODO: when ty...

  • Editing in normal with wysiwyg enabled breaks wiki syntax External

    jshuler jshuler With the WYSIWYG editor enabled (but html not checked in the wiki settings), I am unable to use wiki syntax in the normal editor when I save or preview. That is, the wiki markup shows up as text on the page. It swi...

  • Improve consistency of the wiki templates parameter and syntax in Tiki tools, plugins and syntax External

    New Bsfez Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist Bsfez Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist It Tiki we can use Smarty or wiki templates (wiki pages). For the wiki pages there no consistency between tools in Tiki. The template parameter For cust...

  • The search result page does not parse the wiki syntax. External

    tdresel tdresel tdresel tdresel Both the Unified Search and the MySQL Search results page displays the wiki syntax instead of parsing it. This occurs with the MySql Search whither or not "Parse the results" is checked on the admin pag...

  • Wiki-Syntax Text,el

    wiki-syntax Text,el REDIRECT: wiki syntax Σύνταξη κειμένου wiki Σε αυτές τις σελίδες θα μάθετε πως διαμορφώνετε ένα κείμενο σε wiki σελίδα και σε οÏ...

  • Wiki syntax: Lists inside (larger) paragraphs are rendered as outside External

    List Inside Paragraph Spacing Comment Shows the problem above the list, not below 1533346142 List inside paragraph spacing.png Hi Philippe, I don't see any bug here. And nothing wrong in your linked blog either. This is the correct behav...

  • Bootstrap Grid in Wiki Syntax

    bootstrap responsive grid div Bootstrap Grid in wiki syntax ! Bootstrap Grid in wiki syntax The Bootstrap CSS framework was introduced into Tiki in release 13. It provides the foundation for a layout grid for content in wiki pages and...

  • Wiki Syntax for page alias should be a wiki plugin External

    New marclaporte Marc Laporte marclaporte Marc Laporte This would permit more parameters. Ex.: make invisible Copy to clipboard There should be a conversion script so every time Tiki detects the old syntax, it converts to the ne...

  • Allow HTML and/or Wiki syntax in Site Title and Subtitle fields External

    ricks99 Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties ricks99 Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties To allow for greater styling, it would be great to allow HTML coding and/or wiki syntax in the Site Title and Subtitle fields on Admin: L&F. 3 ...

  • @user wiki syntax External

    marclaporte Marc Laporte marclaporte Marc Laporte Related to , it would be nice to have a syntax to leave messages to people or groups on wiki pages It could send an alert 3 @user wiki syntax

  • em dash wiki syntax not functioning correctly External

    gluckfs at yahoo.com gluckfs at yahoo.com gluckfs at yahoo.com gluckfs at yahoo.com In 3.x, the emdash wiki syntax is not working. In the documentation and previous releases, the following should be represented as an em dash &md...

  • Wiki syntax parsing in HTML plugin broken External

    Fixed or Solved chibaguy Gary Cunningham-Lee Jonny Bradley lindon lindon At themes.tiki.org and at my localhost branch 14, wiki syntax isn't being parsed, but is being displayed as text instead. At the show instance, the login is admi...

  • Parsing of special character wiki syntax in PluginHTML seems broken External

    https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/4256 Fixed or Solved chibaguy Gary Cunningham-Lee josue.zirimwabagabo Josue Zirimwabagabo When the parameter for wiki parsing is used in PluginHTML, some syntax produces the expected res...

  • Wiki-Syntax Separators

    wiki-syntax Separators How to use separators on wiki pages ! wiki-syntax Separators On this page, you'll learn how to use separators on wiki pages and other area that support wiki formatting (including articles, forums, and blogs). Se...

  • Any wiki syntax in PluginSlideshowSlide

    Any wiki syntax whatever you want in the content of the slide.

  • Advanced Wiki Syntax usage examples

    Advanced wiki syntax usage examples

  • Wiki-Syntax Text,es

    wiki-syntax Text,es

  • Wiki-Syntax Text,el

    wiki-syntax Text,el

  • Wiki-Syntax Text

    wiki-syntax Text

  • Wiki-Syntax Text,ar

    wiki-syntax Text,ar

  • Wiki-Syntax Special Characters,es

    wiki-syntax Special Characters,es

  • Wiki-Syntax Tables

    wiki-syntax Tables

  • Wiki-Syntax Special Characters,el

    wiki-syntax Special Characters,el