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object(Search_ResultSet)#1207 (11) {
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      string(7846) " 04   Features And Options Thumbnail  1544768900 04 - Features and Options thumbnail.png      Features and Options in Tiki On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options

Visit my website or  my youtube channel to see more Tiki express tutorial and Subscribe to my youtube channel . Tiki 15,Tiki 18,Tiki 19,any Beginner Administrator Administration tips in #Tiki 04   Features And Options Thumbnail For this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll be using Tiki19.
Tiki19 was released a few weeks ago and If usually I do my tutorials on the Tiki LTS (LTS stand for long time services) for this specific tutorial which will be actual for any Tiki version I though it would be cool to use Tiki19. So those that didn’t have the chance to use it yet can have a quick look. In Tiki19 there are many improvements, many additions and many fixes. 
I warmly invite you to check doc.tiki.org/tiki19.
You’ll find the link at the bottom of that video.

So let’s start with a fresh Tiki19 out of the box and see how I can enable a feature from the Control Panels 
There is in Tiki an insane number of features and only a few are activated by default.
 It is up to the Tiki Admin to enable more if needed and to configure them.

First we go to the Control Panel page that display a tile for each feature already activated. And of course we activate right away the Advanced mode and save it as our default. For those that are unfamiliar with this first operation I suggest you to have a look at my Tiki Express Tutorial: Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now you can see a few more tiles but some are muted because those features are not activated yet. 
Those tiles are for the Main Features and there is more features to enable as we will see it later on.

Tiki has achieve a certain level for the User Interface and a lot of volunteering and sponsored effort have been made in that direction lately. You can contribute by giving some of your developer time joining the Tiki Community but you can also help by making a donation to the project. Please check tiki.org/Contribute-to-Tiki. Again you’ll find a link at the end of this video.

To enable one of the major feature, just click on the corresponding tile and it will open the main feature preferences page where you can activate the feature. 
See how I activate the Blog feature in two clicks. 

Back to the main Control Panels page I want to show now the Features control panel where you can find not only the main features' in Tiki but also the secondary, administration and other features. I click on the Features tile and land on a long feature page. The page is divided in several sections and the features are grouped in four group:

Global Feature

On the Global Feature tab you’ll see several sections:

Main features

Secondary features
Administrative features
Additional features
Interaction with online services or other software

On each feature line you usually find near the checkbox a "Question Mark" that reveal a tool tip that summarize what does it activate and lead to the corresponding page at Tiki Documentation. 
A "Go" button that open the main control panel or admin page for this feature. 
If you changed a setting from the default that came with the installation you’ll find also a "Roll-back" button to reset the parameter. 
We just enabled the Blog feature and so you can see there the reset button.

Note that some feature or options in the admin pages can have a child menu that will be displayed only if the feature or the option is activated. See what happen when I click on "Daily reports for user watches".

In some case you will see a "Warning" icon. 
Move the cursor over the icon to display a tooltip that will give explanations about the reason for the warning.

Let’s look at the Interface feature. 
Again an impressive list of feature ready to run.

We can see an a new icon, a green check. 
You will see this in any Admin parameter or options that require something else to be activated. 
The Ajax-Auto save require "Ajax", and it is activated and also require that the "Warn on edit conflict".

In case something is missing you’ll see a warning and a way to solve this. 
Let’s find "Warn on edit conflict" and disable it to see what happen.
I’ll use the search field preferences. 
Search the word "warn" and from the result section disable it and save. 
If you need more information about this tool, please look at my previous video about Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now back to the Interface features preferences page and I can see a very bold warning "You need to set Warn on edit conflict" and a link to solve the issue. I follow and enable the missing preferences. Back to the Interface features preferences page: all green !


The Programmer tab display a lot of tools, settings and options that are for… programmers or developpers. Just a quick overview because to use them you are already supposed to know what does what ? Right ?

I think we’ve seen about everything on how to enable a feature in Tiki. 
Now once a feature is enabled you have access to its Admin page.

Back to the main page the blogs tile is active.
Remember, that is was muted when we started this video till we activated the feature. 
I click on the tile and so open the blogs Admin page.

This is just an example but most of the pages look the same. 
Again the question mark lead to the Tiki Documentation. 
A link to the items or the objects from this feature. 
In this case a link to a page that displays a list of the Blogs on this Tiki

If necessary tabs to avoid to be confused by too much information on a page. 
Here we have the general setting and blog listing where you can configure the way the blog listing will look like.

As we’ve just learned we have again checkboxes, input fields, information icons, warning, checks and requirements. Also you know now that some preferences have child options (click on share this).
To apply your changes you have an Apply button.

Let’s look at the content of the tab Blog Listing. 
Nothing really mysterious… You can add, remove re order, etc.

This structure is almost the same for all features. There are some differences but that the way it work in Tiki. So once you got it for one feature it’s the same for all the others.

That’s it for today and now you can start to explore Tiki and add more and more features.
I would like to thanks Bassirou, TheRastrick, MarKo and many other Tikiers that send me a note about my work to share my knowledge. 
I’m happy to help and it’s a great reward for me to read your comments. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this one Tiki Express Tutorial too.

Guys, I’m sure you found that video useful so please like, share and subscribe to my youtube channel. 
The next video will be about Tiki Banners and how you can setup all kinds of banners using the Banners feature. We also explore an alternative using the Module feature.

If you want to be sure to received a notification when I publish my video just 
click on the subscribe bell just here.

Related links: 

Thanks again for watching and may the power of Tiki be with you ! M4BnpIR04QM 10:15 Bsfez Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist https://bsfez.com/article37-Features-and-options-in-Tiki y 1544572800 Global Features, Features Admin, Features 405 "
      string(3) "405"
      string(28) "Features and Options in Tiki"
      string(400) "On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options

Visit my website or  my youtube channel to see more Tiki express tutorial and Subscribe to my youtube channel ."
      string(27) "Tiki 15,Tiki 18,Tiki 19,any"
      string(8) "Beginner"
      string(13) "Administrator"
      string(28) "Administration tips in #Tiki"
      string(4) "1499"
      string(35) "04   Features And Options Thumbnail"
      string(7034) "For this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll be using Tiki19.
Tiki19 was released a few weeks ago and If usually I do my tutorials on the Tiki LTS (LTS stand for long time services) for this specific tutorial which will be actual for any Tiki version I though it would be cool to use Tiki19. So those that didn’t have the chance to use it yet can have a quick look. In Tiki19 there are many improvements, many additions and many fixes. 
I warmly invite you to check doc.tiki.org/tiki19.
You’ll find the link at the bottom of that video.

So let’s start with a fresh Tiki19 out of the box and see how I can enable a feature from the Control Panels 
There is in Tiki an insane number of features and only a few are activated by default.
 It is up to the Tiki Admin to enable more if needed and to configure them.

First we go to the Control Panel page that display a tile for each feature already activated. And of course we activate right away the Advanced mode and save it as our default. For those that are unfamiliar with this first operation I suggest you to have a look at my Tiki Express Tutorial: Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now you can see a few more tiles but some are muted because those features are not activated yet. 
Those tiles are for the Main Features and there is more features to enable as we will see it later on.

Tiki has achieve a certain level for the User Interface and a lot of volunteering and sponsored effort have been made in that direction lately. You can contribute by giving some of your developer time joining the Tiki Community but you can also help by making a donation to the project. Please check tiki.org/Contribute-to-Tiki. Again you’ll find a link at the end of this video.

To enable one of the major feature, just click on the corresponding tile and it will open the main feature preferences page where you can activate the feature. 
See how I activate the Blog feature in two clicks. 

Back to the main Control Panels page I want to show now the Features control panel where you can find not only the main features' in Tiki but also the secondary, administration and other features. I click on the Features tile and land on a long feature page. The page is divided in several sections and the features are grouped in four group:

Global Feature

On the Global Feature tab you’ll see several sections:

Main features

Secondary features
Administrative features
Additional features
Interaction with online services or other software

On each feature line you usually find near the checkbox a "Question Mark" that reveal a tool tip that summarize what does it activate and lead to the corresponding page at Tiki Documentation. 
A "Go" button that open the main control panel or admin page for this feature. 
If you changed a setting from the default that came with the installation you’ll find also a "Roll-back" button to reset the parameter. 
We just enabled the Blog feature and so you can see there the reset button.

Note that some feature or options in the admin pages can have a child menu that will be displayed only if the feature or the option is activated. See what happen when I click on "Daily reports for user watches".

In some case you will see a "Warning" icon. 
Move the cursor over the icon to display a tooltip that will give explanations about the reason for the warning.

Let’s look at the Interface feature. 
Again an impressive list of feature ready to run.

We can see an a new icon, a green check. 
You will see this in any Admin parameter or options that require something else to be activated. 
The Ajax-Auto save require "Ajax", and it is activated and also require that the "Warn on edit conflict".

In case something is missing you’ll see a warning and a way to solve this. 
Let’s find "Warn on edit conflict" and disable it to see what happen.
I’ll use the search field preferences. 
Search the word "warn" and from the result section disable it and save. 
If you need more information about this tool, please look at my previous video about Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now back to the Interface features preferences page and I can see a very bold warning "You need to set Warn on edit conflict" and a link to solve the issue. I follow and enable the missing preferences. Back to the Interface features preferences page: all green !


The Programmer tab display a lot of tools, settings and options that are for… programmers or developpers. Just a quick overview because to use them you are already supposed to know what does what ? Right ?

I think we’ve seen about everything on how to enable a feature in Tiki. 
Now once a feature is enabled you have access to its Admin page.

Back to the main page the blogs tile is active.
Remember, that is was muted when we started this video till we activated the feature. 
I click on the tile and so open the blogs Admin page.

This is just an example but most of the pages look the same. 
Again the question mark lead to the Tiki Documentation. 
A link to the items or the objects from this feature. 
In this case a link to a page that displays a list of the Blogs on this Tiki

If necessary tabs to avoid to be confused by too much information on a page. 
Here we have the general setting and blog listing where you can configure the way the blog listing will look like.

As we’ve just learned we have again checkboxes, input fields, information icons, warning, checks and requirements. Also you know now that some preferences have child options (click on share this).
To apply your changes you have an Apply button.

Let’s look at the content of the tab Blog Listing. 
Nothing really mysterious… You can add, remove re order, etc.

This structure is almost the same for all features. There are some differences but that the way it work in Tiki. So once you got it for one feature it’s the same for all the others.

That’s it for today and now you can start to explore Tiki and add more and more features.
I would like to thanks Bassirou, TheRastrick, MarKo and many other Tikiers that send me a note about my work to share my knowledge. 
I’m happy to help and it’s a great reward for me to read your comments. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this one Tiki Express Tutorial too.

Guys, I’m sure you found that video useful so please like, share and subscribe to my youtube channel. 
The next video will be about Tiki Banners and how you can setup all kinds of banners using the Banners feature. We also explore an alternative using the Module feature.

If you want to be sure to received a notification when I publish my video just 
click on the subscribe bell just here.

Related links: 

Thanks again for watching and may the power of Tiki be with you !"
      string(11) "M4BnpIR04QM"
      string(5) "10:15"
      string(30) "Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist"
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      string(56) "https://bsfez.com/article37-Features-and-options-in-Tiki"
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wiki page:Features Admin
wiki page:Features"
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      string(44) "Global Features, Features Admin and Features"
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      string(25) "2018-12-14T06:32:13+00:00"
      string(556) "On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options

Visit my [https://bsfez.com|website] or [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgM1YJeUCaszrTsuZub0Qpg| my youtube channel] to see more Tiki express tutorial and [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgM1YJeUCaszrTsuZub0Qpg?sub_confirmation=1|Subscribe to my youtube channel]."
      string(27) "Tiki 15,Tiki 18,Tiki 19,any"
      array(4) {
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      string(8) "Beginner"
      string(13) "Administrator"
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      string(64) "((402-Administration tips in Tiki|Administration tips in #Tiki))"
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      string(7028) "For this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll be using Tiki19.
Tiki19 was released a few weeks ago and If usually I do my tutorials on the Tiki LTS (LTS stand for long time services) for this specific tutorial which will be actual for any Tiki version I though it would be cool to use Tiki19. So those that didn’t have the chance to use it yet can have a quick look. In Tiki19 there are many improvements, many additions and many fixes. 
I warmly invite you to check doc.tiki.org/tiki19.
You’ll find the link at the bottom of that video.

So let’s start with a fresh Tiki19 out of the box and see how I can enable a feature from the Control Panels 
There is in Tiki an insane number of features and only a few are activated by default.
 It is up to the Tiki Admin to enable more if needed and to configure them.

First we go to the Control Panel page that display a tile for each feature already activated. And of course we activate right away the Advanced mode and save it as our default. For those that are unfamiliar with this first operation I suggest you to have a look at my Tiki Express Tutorial: Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now you can see a few more tiles but some are muted because those features are not activated yet. 
Those tiles are for the Main Features and there is more features to enable as we will see it later on.

Tiki has achieve a certain level for the User Interface and a lot of volunteering and sponsored effort have been made in that direction lately. You can contribute by giving some of your developer time joining the Tiki Community but you can also help by making a donation to the project. Please check tiki.org/Contribute-to-Tiki. Again you’ll find a link at the end of this video.

To enable one of the major feature, just click on the corresponding tile and it will open the main feature preferences page where you can activate the feature. 
See how I activate the Blog feature in two clicks. 

Back to the main Control Panels page I want to show now the Features control panel where you can find not only the main features' in Tiki but also the secondary, administration and other features. I click on the Features tile and land on a long feature page. The page is divided in several sections and the features are grouped in four group:

Global Feature

On the Global Feature tab you’ll see several sections:

Main features

Secondary features
Administrative features
Additional features
Interaction with online services or other software

On each feature line you usually find near the checkbox a "Question Mark" that reveal a tool tip that summarize what does it activate and lead to the corresponding page at Tiki Documentation. 
A "Go" button that open the main control panel or admin page for this feature. 
If you changed a setting from the default that came with the installation you’ll find also a "Roll-back" button to reset the parameter. 
We just enabled the Blog feature and so you can see there the reset button.

Note that some feature or options in the admin pages can have a child menu that will be displayed only if the feature or the option is activated. See what happen when I click on "Daily reports for user watches".

In some case you will see a "Warning" icon. 
Move the cursor over the icon to display a tooltip that will give explanations about the reason for the warning.

Let’s look at the Interface feature. 
Again an impressive list of feature ready to run.

We can see an a new icon, a green check. 
You will see this in any Admin parameter or options that require something else to be activated. 
The Ajax-Auto save require "Ajax", and it is activated and also require that the "Warn on edit conflict".

In case something is missing you’ll see a warning and a way to solve this. 
Let’s find "Warn on edit conflict" and disable it to see what happen.
I’ll use the search field preferences. 
Search the word "warn" and from the result section disable it and save. 
If you need more information about this tool, please look at my previous video about Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now back to the Interface features preferences page and I can see a very bold warning "You need to set Warn on edit conflict" and a link to solve the issue. I follow and enable the missing preferences. Back to the Interface features preferences page: all green !


The Programmer tab display a lot of tools, settings and options that are for… programmers or developpers. Just a quick overview because to use them you are already supposed to know what does what ? Right ?

I think we’ve seen about everything on how to enable a feature in Tiki. 
Now once a feature is enabled you have access to its Admin page.

Back to the main page the blogs tile is active.
Remember, that is was muted when we started this video till we activated the feature. 
I click on the tile and so open the blogs Admin page.

This is just an example but most of the pages look the same. 
Again the question mark lead to the Tiki Documentation. 
A link to the items or the objects from this feature. 
In this case a link to a page that displays a list of the Blogs on this Tiki

If necessary tabs to avoid to be confused by too much information on a page. 
Here we have the general setting and blog listing where you can configure the way the blog listing will look like.

As we’ve just learned we have again checkboxes, input fields, information icons, warning, checks and requirements. Also you know now that some preferences have child options (click on share this).
To apply your changes you have an Apply button.

Let’s look at the content of the tab Blog Listing. 
Nothing really mysterious… You can add, remove re order, etc.

This structure is almost the same for all features. There are some differences but that the way it work in Tiki. So once you got it for one feature it’s the same for all the others.

That’s it for today and now you can start to explore Tiki and add more and more features.
I would like to thanks Bassirou, TheRastrick, MarKo and many other Tikiers that send me a note about my work to share my knowledge. 
I’m happy to help and it’s a great reward for me to read your comments. 

I hope you’ve enjoyed this one Tiki Express Tutorial too.

Guys, I’m sure you found that video useful so please like, share and subscribe to my youtube channel. 
The next video will be about Tiki Banners and how you can setup all kinds of banners using the Banners feature. We also explore an alternative using the Module feature.

If you want to be sure to received a notification when I publish my video just 
click on the subscribe bell just here.

Related links: 

Thanks again for watching and may the power of Tiki be with you !"
      string(5) "Bsfez"
      string(1) "y"
      string(10) "2018-12-12"
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      string(855) "

On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options

Visit my website or my youtube channel to see more Tiki express tutorial and Subscribe to my youtube channel.

" ["videoLevel"]=> string(17) "Beginner" ["videoRole"]=> string(22) "Administrator" ["videoPrequisite"]=> string(37) "Administration tips in #Tiki" ["videoTranscript"]=> string(7043) "For this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll be using Tiki19.

Tiki19 was released a few weeks ago and If usually I do my tutorials on the Tiki LTS (LTS stand for long time services) for this specific tutorial which will be actual for any Tiki version I though it would be cool to use Tiki19. So those that didn’t have the chance to use it yet can have a quick look. In Tiki19 there are many improvements, many additions and many fixes.
I warmly invite you to check doc.tiki.org/tiki19.
You’ll find the link at the bottom of that video.

So let’s start with a fresh Tiki19 out of the box and see how I can enable a feature from the Control Panels
There is in Tiki an insane number of features and only a few are activated by default.
 It is up to the Tiki Admin to enable more if needed and to configure them.

First we go to the Control Panel page that display a tile for each feature already activated. And of course we activate right away the Advanced mode and save it as our default. For those that are unfamiliar with this first operation I suggest you to have a look at my Tiki Express Tutorial: Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now you can see a few more tiles but some are muted because those features are not activated yet.
Those tiles are for the Main Features and there is more features to enable as we will see it later on.

Tiki has achieve a certain level for the User Interface and a lot of volunteering and sponsored effort have been made in that direction lately. You can contribute by giving some of your developer time joining the Tiki Community but you can also help by making a donation to the project. Please check tiki.org/Contribute-to-Tiki. Again you’ll find a link at the end of this video.

To enable one of the major feature, just click on the corresponding tile and it will open the main feature preferences page where you can activate the feature.
See how I activate the Blog feature in two clicks.

Back to the main Control Panels page I want to show now the Features control panel where you can find not only the main features' in Tiki but also the secondary, administration and other features. I click on the Features tile and land on a long feature page. The page is divided in several sections and the features are grouped in four group:

Global Feature

On the Global Feature tab you’ll see several sections:

Main features

Secondary features
Administrative features
Additional features
Interaction with online services or other software

On each feature line you usually find near the checkbox a "Question Mark" that reveal a tool tip that summarize what does it activate and lead to the corresponding page at Tiki Documentation.
A "Go" button that open the main control panel or admin page for this feature.
If you changed a setting from the default that came with the installation you’ll find also a "Roll-back" button to reset the parameter.
We just enabled the Blog feature and so you can see there the reset button.

Note that some feature or options in the admin pages can have a child menu that will be displayed only if the feature or the option is activated. See what happen when I click on "Daily reports for user watches".

In some case you will see a "Warning" icon.
Move the cursor over the icon to display a tooltip that will give explanations about the reason for the warning.

Let’s look at the Interface feature.
Again an impressive list of feature ready to run.

We can see an a new icon, a green check.
You will see this in any Admin parameter or options that require something else to be activated.
The Ajax-Auto save require "Ajax", and it is activated and also require that the "Warn on edit conflict".

In case something is missing you’ll see a warning and a way to solve this.
Let’s find "Warn on edit conflict" and disable it to see what happen.
I’ll use the search field preferences.
Search the word "warn" and from the result section disable it and save.
If you need more information about this tool, please look at my previous video about Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now back to the Interface features preferences page and I can see a very bold warning "You need to set Warn on edit conflict" and a link to solve the issue. I follow and enable the missing preferences. Back to the Interface features preferences page: all green !


The Programmer tab display a lot of tools, settings and options that are for… programmers or developpers. Just a quick overview because to use them you are already supposed to know what does what ? Right ?

I think we’ve seen about everything on how to enable a feature in Tiki.
Now once a feature is enabled you have access to its Admin page.

Back to the main page the blogs tile is active.
Remember, that is was muted when we started this video till we activated the feature.
I click on the tile and so open the blogs Admin page.

This is just an example but most of the pages look the same.
Again the question mark lead to the Tiki Documentation.
A link to the items or the objects from this feature.
In this case a link to a page that displays a list of the Blogs on this Tiki

If necessary tabs to avoid to be confused by too much information on a page.
Here we have the general setting and blog listing where you can configure the way the blog listing will look like.

As we’ve just learned we have again checkboxes, input fields, information icons, warning, checks and requirements. Also you know now that some preferences have child options (click on share this).
To apply your changes you have an Apply button.

Let’s look at the content of the tab Blog Listing.
Nothing really mysterious… You can add, remove re order, etc.

This structure is almost the same for all features. There are some differences but that the way it work in Tiki. So once you got it for one feature it’s the same for all the others.

That’s it for today and now you can start to explore Tiki and add more and more features.
I would like to thanks Bassirou, TheRastrick, MarKo and many other Tikiers that send me a note about my work to share my knowledge. 
I’m happy to help and it’s a great reward for me to read your comments.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this one Tiki Express Tutorial too.

Guys, I’m sure you found that video useful so please like, share and subscribe to my youtube channel.
The next video will be about Tiki Banners and how you can setup all kinds of banners using the Banners feature. We also explore an alternative using the Module feature.

If you want to be sure to received a notification when I publish my video just
click on the subscribe bell just here.

Related links:

Thanks again for watching and may the power of Tiki be with you !" ["videoLength"]=> string(14) "10:15" ["videoAuthor"]=> string(89) "Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist" ["creationDate"]=> string(16) "Wed 12 Dec, 2018" ["videoAuthorWebsite"]=> string(65) "https://bsfez.com/article37-Features-and-options-in-Tiki" ["videoRelatedPages"]=> string(644) " " } } }

Features and Options in Tiki

Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist - Wed 12 Dec, 2018


On this #tikiexpresstutorial, using #tiki19 I’ll show you:
How to enable a feature from the Control Panels
How to enable a Global Feature from the features panel
How to enable an Interface feature
A quick overview of the Programmer features
And where to look for feature options

Visit my website or my youtube channel to see more Tiki express tutorial and Subscribe to my youtube channel.


10:15 Administration tips in #Tiki
Experience level: Beginner
User role: Administrator
Author's website: https://bsfez.com/article37-Features-and-options-in-Tiki


For this Tiki Express Tutorial I’ll be using Tiki19.

Tiki19 was released a few weeks ago and If usually I do my tutorials on the Tiki LTS (LTS stand for long time services) for this specific tutorial which will be actual for any Tiki version I though it would be cool to use Tiki19. So those that didn’t have the chance to use it yet can have a quick look. In Tiki19 there are many improvements, many additions and many fixes.
I warmly invite you to check doc.tiki.org/tiki19.
You’ll find the link at the bottom of that video.

So let’s start with a fresh Tiki19 out of the box and see how I can enable a feature from the Control Panels
There is in Tiki an insane number of features and only a few are activated by default.
 It is up to the Tiki Admin to enable more if needed and to configure them.

First we go to the Control Panel page that display a tile for each feature already activated. And of course we activate right away the Advanced mode and save it as our default. For those that are unfamiliar with this first operation I suggest you to have a look at my Tiki Express Tutorial: Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now you can see a few more tiles but some are muted because those features are not activated yet.
Those tiles are for the Main Features and there is more features to enable as we will see it later on.

Tiki has achieve a certain level for the User Interface and a lot of volunteering and sponsored effort have been made in that direction lately. You can contribute by giving some of your developer time joining the Tiki Community but you can also help by making a donation to the project. Please check tiki.org/Contribute-to-Tiki. Again you’ll find a link at the end of this video.

To enable one of the major feature, just click on the corresponding tile and it will open the main feature preferences page where you can activate the feature.
See how I activate the Blog feature in two clicks.

Back to the main Control Panels page I want to show now the Features control panel where you can find not only the main features' in Tiki but also the secondary, administration and other features. I click on the Features tile and land on a long feature page. The page is divided in several sections and the features are grouped in four group:

Global Feature

On the Global Feature tab you’ll see several sections:

Main features

Secondary features
Administrative features
Additional features
Interaction with online services or other software

On each feature line you usually find near the checkbox a "Question Mark" that reveal a tool tip that summarize what does it activate and lead to the corresponding page at Tiki Documentation.
A "Go" button that open the main control panel or admin page for this feature.
If you changed a setting from the default that came with the installation you’ll find also a "Roll-back" button to reset the parameter.
We just enabled the Blog feature and so you can see there the reset button.

Note that some feature or options in the admin pages can have a child menu that will be displayed only if the feature or the option is activated. See what happen when I click on "Daily reports for user watches".

In some case you will see a "Warning" icon.
Move the cursor over the icon to display a tooltip that will give explanations about the reason for the warning.

Let’s look at the Interface feature.
Again an impressive list of feature ready to run.

We can see an a new icon, a green check.
You will see this in any Admin parameter or options that require something else to be activated.
The Ajax-Auto save require "Ajax", and it is activated and also require that the "Warn on edit conflict".

In case something is missing you’ll see a warning and a way to solve this.
Let’s find "Warn on edit conflict" and disable it to see what happen.
I’ll use the search field preferences.
Search the word "warn" and from the result section disable it and save.
If you need more information about this tool, please look at my previous video about Administration Tips in Tiki.

Now back to the Interface features preferences page and I can see a very bold warning "You need to set Warn on edit conflict" and a link to solve the issue. I follow and enable the missing preferences. Back to the Interface features preferences page: all green !


The Programmer tab display a lot of tools, settings and options that are for… programmers or developpers. Just a quick overview because to use them you are already supposed to know what does what ? Right ?

I think we’ve seen about everything on how to enable a feature in Tiki.
Now once a feature is enabled you have access to its Admin page.

Back to the main page the blogs tile is active.
Remember, that is was muted when we started this video till we activated the feature.
I click on the tile and so open the blogs Admin page.

This is just an example but most of the pages look the same.
Again the question mark lead to the Tiki Documentation.
A link to the items or the objects from this feature.
In this case a link to a page that displays a list of the Blogs on this Tiki

If necessary tabs to avoid to be confused by too much information on a page.
Here we have the general setting and blog listing where you can configure the way the blog listing will look like.

As we’ve just learned we have again checkboxes, input fields, information icons, warning, checks and requirements. Also you know now that some preferences have child options (click on share this).
To apply your changes you have an Apply button.

Let’s look at the content of the tab Blog Listing.
Nothing really mysterious… You can add, remove re order, etc.

This structure is almost the same for all features. There are some differences but that the way it work in Tiki. So once you got it for one feature it’s the same for all the others.

That’s it for today and now you can start to explore Tiki and add more and more features.
I would like to thanks Bassirou, TheRastrick, MarKo and many other Tikiers that send me a note about my work to share my knowledge. 
I’m happy to help and it’s a great reward for me to read your comments.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this one Tiki Express Tutorial too.

Guys, I’m sure you found that video useful so please like, share and subscribe to my youtube channel.
The next video will be about Tiki Banners and how you can setup all kinds of banners using the Banners feature. We also explore an alternative using the Module feature.

If you want to be sure to received a notification when I publish my video just
click on the subscribe bell just here.

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Thanks again for watching and may the power of Tiki be with you !

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