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PluginFullWidthTitle | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Plugin FullWidthTitle

Sometimes you may want to create a title banner that spans the full-width of the page. Unfortunately, there is no real easy way to do this if you want your banner's contents to change from page-to-page.

For example, see the 'Announcements' banner in the image below:

Click to expand
Click to expand

Because Tiki layouts generally only allot a sub-section of the entire page for a wiki's contents, it's very difficult to have the contents of the wiki page span the entire width of the page.

A Plugin has been created to allow for this to work using javascript provided your layout is prepped accordingly.

Step 1: Ensure your layout is setup accordingly

The way this plugin works is that it moves the title banner above the current container.

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<div class="header"> <div class="container"> ... </div> </div> #This is where the title banner will be deposited, just above the container containing the plugin. <div class="main-content"> <div class="container"> #contents, including the wikiplugin. ... </div> </div>

Step 2: Style your title-div and title container in your css/less

You will need to provide some styling to the container to be able to have it show as a banner (border, background, font attributes)

Step 3: Use the plugin

Call the plugin in your Tiki page. The javascript will automatically move the title from your page, above the container so that it may span the entire page.
You can also pass an iconsrc and a title parameter to show an image as a prefix to the title.


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