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티키6에서 소개된 크레딧은 티키 사용자로 하여금 크레딧의 상이한 저장된 값 유형들을 보유하도록 하는 한 방법입니다. 이는 점수, 토큰, 시간, 분, 어떤 사용 회수, 기타 등등이 될 수 있습니다. 이 기능은 각 사용자에 대하여 크레딧을 추가하고 사용할 API 와 함께 제공됩니다.

Somehow, it implies having the ability to define and use multiple currencies within a single Tiki site, similarly to what can be achieved with Community Currencies linked to a CCLite server, which allows using those multiple currencies with other sites (intertrading), sites which can be powered by Tiki or other CMS/Softwares, such as Joomla, Drupal, Elgg, etc.

Credit Details

Credits have a few characteristics:

  • Credits have expiry dates and validity periods.
  • Admins can configure different credit types and you can have different credit types for different sites

Admin Credits

  • The admin panel for this feature is at tiki-admin_credits.php

  • You also need to define which TUC types are allowed in the tiki site, through "Admin home > Payments > Tiki User Credits" (tiki-admin.php?page=payment):

  • Credits are used in the order of the earliest expiration date. Credits with no expiration date are used last.

Some definitions (useful for the admin panel):

 Admin panel details
Static Level Credits
These are credits such as "storage" where the credit is not permanently used up when they are used. Instead, they can be restored. e.g. the user has used 500/2000 mb of storage.
Scaling divisor
This is used to reduce the length of the bar shown in Module credits for a certain credit type. For example, some credits may have units in the thousands when others are in tens. The former will end up having a very long bar compared to the other credit unless the divisor is set to a larger number.
Expiration date
If there is no expiration date, the credits last forever until they are used.
A Plan
A block of credits that have an expiration date can be considered a plan, especially if they are created with fixed intervals, e.g. monthly plans.

Add credits to users

You add credits to users through tiki-admin_credits.php?userfilter=username (being username the name of the user; which you can type in the username search bo

An admin can also set that a user has already consumed some of that set of allocated credits:

And a report on the historical usage can be shown also:

Use Credits

You can pay invoices of Tiki Payments using Tiki User Credits.

The credits that a user has left can be seen at any time by means of the module Module credits:

Developer Tips

You could make use of functions in lib/credits/creditlib:

function useCredits to use up credits and function addCredits to add credits for users. Also use getCredits to get a user's credit information, and getScaledCredits which extends getCredits with more human readable information.


Credit | TUC | TUCs | Tiki User Credit | TikiUserCredit | TikiUserCredits | Tiki User Credits