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Prefreport output - Tiki 19

A listing of all preferences in Tiki 19 as output by the prefreport script. See also Site configuration preferences.

Items 2325

preference name description admin
lock_content_templates Lock Content Templates Enable users to lock content templates and so prevent others from editing them
lock_wiki_structures Lock Wiki Structures Enable users to lock wiki structures and so prevent others from editing them
log_mail Log mail in Tiki logs A line of type mail will be included in the System Log with the destination address and subject of each email sent.
log_sql Log SQL All SQL queries will be registered in the database in the adodb_logsql table.
log_sql_perf_min Log queries using more than Use to log only queries that exceed a specific amount of time.
log_tpl Smarty template usage indicator Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (.tpl file)
login_allow_email User can login via username or email. This will allow users to login using their email (as well as their username).
login_autogenerate Auto-generate 6-digit username on registration This will auto-generate a 6-digit username for users who sign up (they will normally log in with emails only).
login_autologin Enable autologin from remote Tiki Used with autologin_remotetiki in the redirect plugin
login_autologin_allowedgroups Allowed groups from remote Tiki to autologin. Comma-separated list of groups to allow autologin from remote Tiki. If empty, will allow everyone.
login_autologin_createnew Create user if not registered in Tiki Create a new user account if the user that is trying to autologin does not exist on this Tiki.
login_autologin_group System groupname to use for auto login token For security, please create a group that has no users and no permissions and specify its name here.
login_autologin_logoutremote Automatically logout remote Tiki after logout. When the user logs out of this Tiki, redirect the user to logout of the other Tiki as well.
login_autologin_redirectlogin Redirect direct logins to this site to remote Tiki
login_autologin_redirectlogin_url URL of autologin page on remote Tiki to redirect user to login URL of autologin page on remote Tiki to redirect user to login, e.g. https://www.remotetiki.com/PageWithRedirectPlugin
login_autologin_syncgroups Sync these groups from remote Tiki on autologin. Comma-separated list of groups to sync from remote Tiki on autologin. Group membership will be added or removed accordingly.
login_autologin_user System username to use to initiate autologin from remote Tiki Specified user must exist and be configured in Settings...Tools...DSN/Content Authentication on remote Tiki. Used with autologin_remotetiki in the redirect plugin.
login_grab_session Grab session if already logged in If users are blocked from logging in simultaneously, grab the session. Will force existing user to be logged out
login_http_basic HTTP Basic Authentication Check credentials from HTTP Basic Authentication, which is useful to allow webservices to use credentials.
login_is_email Use email as username Instead of creating new usernames, use the user's email address for authentication. On the registration form, there will be no Username field.
login_is_email_obscure Obscure email when using email as username This will attempt as much as possible to hide the email address, showing the real name or the truncated email address instead.
login_multiple_forbidden Prevent multiple log-ins by the same user Users (other than admin) cannot log in simultaneously with multiple browsers.
long_date_format Long date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (longer version)
long_time_format Long time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (longer version)
lowercase_username Force lowercase Automatically convert all alphabetic characters in the username to lowercase letters. For example <b>JohnDoe</b> becomes <b>johndoe</b>.
mail_crlf Email newline character(s) End-of-line (EOL) character used in outgoing emails
mail_template_custom_text Text string used to customise mail templates Text string used to customise mail templates and added as a pref reference in the appropriate mail tpl files
main_shadow_end Main shadow end
main_shadow_start Main shadow start
mapzone Map Zone
max_username_length Maximum length The greatest number of characters for a valid username.
maxArticles Maximum number of articles on the articles homepage The number of articles to show on each page of the Articles homepage.
maxRecords Maximum number of records in listings
maxRowsGalleries Maximum rows per page
maxVersions Maximum number of versions:
memcache_compress Memcache compression Enable compression for memcache storage.
memcache_enabled Memcache Enable connection to memcached servers to store temporary information.
memcache_expiration Memcache expiration Duration for which the data will be kept.
memcache_forum_output Cache forum output in memcache
memcache_prefix Memcache key prefix When the memcache cluster is used by multiple applications, using unique prefixes for each of them helps avoid conflicts.
memcache_servers Memcache servers Server list which may be accessed. For each server, the address, port and weight must be specified.
memcache_wiki_data Cache wiki data in memcache
memcache_wiki_output Cache wiki output in memcache
menus_edit_icon Edit menu icon Adds an icon on the navbar to edit menu entries
menus_items_icons Menu icons Allows icons to be defined for menu entries
menus_items_icons_path Default path for the icons
messu_archive_size Maximum mail archive size Maximum number of archive messages allowed.
messu_mailbox_size Maximum mailbox size Maximum number of messages allowed in the mailbox.
messu_sent_size Maximum sent box size Maximum number of sent messages allowed in the mailbox.
messu_truncate_internal_message Truncate internal message notification Number of characters to show in the message notification sent through email, with a link to read the full internal message.