History: PluginTrackerStat
Source of version: 25 (current)
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! Plugin Tracker Stat ''Introduced in ((Tiki2))'' Use this ((wiki plugin)) to display some simple statistics about a tracker. You can specify which fields can be displayed. The plugin can be used several times on a same page with different trackers. For a more advanced way to create a chart, please see: ((PluginPivotTable)) !! Parameters {pluginmanager plugin="trackerstat"} {REMARKSBOX(type="warning" title="Warning")} This plugin did not handle the "user selector" tracker field type until ((Tiki18)). {REMARKSBOX} !! Example ''This code:'' {CODE(colors="tiki")} {TRACKERSTAT(trackerId="1" fields="2:4" show_percent="y" show_bar="n" show_count="y" status="o|c|p|op|oc|pc|opc" show_link="n")}Title{TRACKERSTAT} {CODE} ''Would produce (if fieldId 2 is "My question", a radio field "yes, no" and if fieldId 3 is "And rate it", a drop down list)'' {img src="img/wiki_up/trackerstat.png" } !! Limitations * It doesn't deal with some of the more advanced permissions of trackers. Use ((PluginPivotTable)) instead. * Can't pre-filter data. Use ((PluginPivotTable)) instead. !! Related pages ((Trackers))