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History: Category


Information Version
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added icon to h1 page title. Added lead paragraph formatting. 42
luciash d' being 🧙 41
luciash d' being 🧙 40
luciash d' being 🧙 no idea why there was "Blogs" 39
drsassafras code error 38
drsassafras added pref overview 37
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added lead div, minor text edits. 36
drsassafras spelling and grammar fixes. 35
Marc Laporte 34
beneason 33
mlpvolt updated as per conversation with nelson 32
mlpvolt revamping . . . 31
Marc Laporte 30
Marc Laporte 29
Marc Laporte 28
lindon 27
Nelson Ko 26
Scot Wilcoxon point at specific 2.0 section and mention ((Categories Details)) 25
Scot Wilcoxon replace undated personal note with descriptive text, try to describe 2.0 edit cats 24
nikhilodeon 23
Marc Laporte 22
Marc Laporte for rosinalippi 21
mlpvolt link to documentation categories 20
mlpvolt 19
mlpvolt spelling 18
mlpvolt 17
mlpvolt 16
mlpvolt 15
mlpvolt grabbed content from ((CategoriesGloss)) on two and amended. 14
jcwinnie 13
jcwinnie 12
jcwinnie 11
jcwinnie 10
jcwinnie 9
jcwinnie 8
jcwinnie 7
jcwinnie 6
jcwinnie 5
jcwinnie 4
Mose 3
system created from stucture 2