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History: Requirements

Preview of version: 164

2012-09: A Server Check script has been developed that will make everything easier! Just upload a single PHP file to your server and you will get advice on your server configuration.

See also Tiki Lifecycle.

Requirements and Setup

This page lists the minimum requirements and recommended settings to install Tiki.

If you are using a standard shared webhost, your webhost most likely meets these requirements and you should be able to install Tiki with no problems. Tiki is designed to run on shared hosting, using the LAMP stack.

These instructions are useful for people that are configuring their own server for Tiki.

Shared Host

Tiki will run in most shared webhost environments. Many hosts offer Tiki installation via a control panel application (such as Fantastico).

You should verify that your webhost meets the minimum requirements:

See Tiki Friendly Hosts for a list of working shared host environments.



You must have a fully operational webserver in order to install and use Tiki. Tiki should run on any webserver that supports PHP (such as Windows IIS or lighttpd), but is most widely tested and used with Apache. You may need to make minor modifications for non-Apache webservers.

To simply installation on Windows IIs, Tiki is included in the Windows Web App Gallery and can be installed with the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. See Microsoft Web Platform installer for details.

Your webserver should be configured with the following minimum requirements:

  • 512 MB RAM
  • 100 MB free storage


Tiki requires a MySQL or MariaDB database. (version 5+)

The database can be installed in the same physical location of the webserver (that is, as localhost) or Tiki can access a remote database.


Tiki Version Minimum PHP Version Notes
Tiki13, Tiki14 or Tiki15 PHP 5.5 With a focus on the new Zend OPcache
Why 5.5 and not 5.4
Tiki10,Tiki11 or Tiki12 PHP 5.3 PHP 5.3 was released in June 2009 and PHP 5.2.x reached end of life in December 2010, which is nearly two years before Tiki10 will be released
Tiki7, Tiki8 or Tiki9 LTS PHP 5.2 with the PDO extension If PDO is not available, you can revert to ADOdb. See ReleaseNotes40 for details.

If you can't get PHP 5.2 (released in November 2006!), you can keep on using Tiki6 LTS (end of support for Tiki6 LTS is when Tiki 10 13 is released)
Tiki5 or Tiki6 LTS PHP 5.1 with the PDO extension If PDO is not available, you can revert to ADOdb. See ReleaseNotes40 for details.

PHP 5.2 is preferred primarily to access features in Zend libraries and can be necessary for some of the newer features like WebDAV, however, globally, Tiki works with PHP 5.1

Tiki6 LTS End of life is November 2012 has been extended until May 2014 (when Tiki 13 is released).
Tiki4 PHP5 with the PDO extension If PDO is not available, you can revert to ADOdb. See ReleaseNotes40 for details.
Tiki3 LTS PHP5 This was a Long Term Support (LTS) version. End of life was May 2011, where you should upgrade to Tiki6 LTS
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

Interesting links about PHP lifecycle

For all versions, MySQLi extension is recommended but the Tiki installer will fall back to the older MySQL driver if MySQLi is unavailable.

Note on PHP Memory Limits:

The default memory_limit in a standard PHP 5.3 installation is 128M, and this should be fine for the vast majority of Tiki installations. Some web hosts install PHP with a lower default. Although Tiki may appear to install successfully, you will continually face issues with pages failing to load and system errors.

To review your PHP Memory Limits, access http://www.example.com/tiki-phpinfo.php and review the following values:

  • max_execution_time = 60 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
  • max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
  • memory_limit = 128M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume

For some shared webhosts, these values may not be user-configurable and you may need to request changes from your webhost, whereas in other hosts you are allowed to fine tune this settings for your needs. You can try uncommenting the corresponding lines in the .htaccess file at your tiki root folder on the server, like:

Copy to clipboard
# increase memory php_value memory_limit 128M # increase execution time... php_value max_execution_time 90

More information

Required PHP Functions

Some webhosts tend to disable some functions which are required for Tiki to run flawlessly.

Function Notes
eval() Required by Smarty templating engine.
Causes "Please contact support about" messages appearing instead of Modules when eval() is disabled in php.ini.
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

Additional Libraries

Library Notes
libxml Required
mbstring Required by zend_search_lucene for Admin panel searching and managing preferences in perspectives.
Useful when working with languages that require it
http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php. mbstring needs to be compiled with --enable-mbregex or otherwise you will be missing functions like mb_split() which are needed for example by Smarty.
ctype Required
calendar Required for Tiki 6 and higher
iconv Required by certain Zend Framework validation and parsing classes
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

php.ini Configuration

We recommend using the following configuration in your php.ini file:

PHP.INI Setting Description
memory_limit = 128M Specify the maximum memory for PHP scripts.
_file_uploads = On Required to allow uploads (files, images, etc.) to your Tiki
upload_max_filesize = XXM
Specify the maximum upload filesize (in MB).
allow_url_fopen = On Allow trackback pings in your Tiki blogs. Deprecated since about Tiki4. No trackback feature available.
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = /tmp
The path that PHP stores session information. Ensure that the location exists and is writable. In Shared Hosting environments, if you do not have access to /tmp, use temp (no slash) instead.
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_time = 60
Specify the idle timeout (in seconds). If you experience timeouts (such as when performing Admin functions) you may need to increase these settings.
magic_quotes_gpc = Off Turn off PHP's Magic Quotes function.
default_charset = "utf-8" Specify the default character encoding.
mbstring.func_overload = 0 Tiki will not work properly with mbstring.func_overload = 7.
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

The location of the php.ini file may vary, depending on your operating sytem. Some common locations include:

  • /etc/php.ini
  • /etc/php/php.ini
  • /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (Debian)
  • \windows\system\php.ini (Windows)


  1. If safemode is on you may need safe_mode_allowed_env_vars = TZ in php.ini.
  2. To run PHP5 on 1and1.com add the following lines to your _htaccess file (Tiki 3):
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
    uncomment line 29 and 30 then rename in .htaccess

Optional Software or Libraries

Some Tiki feautures require the following additional software or libraries:

FeatureAdditional Requirements
The ZipArchive class for php must be installed for some features such as XML Wiki Import-Export and PluginArchiveBuilder
Image processing, used for thumbnail generation, dynamic chart generation, and to prevent bot/automatic registration.Use either GD Library 1.5 (or higher) or ImageMagick. ImageMagick is included, by default with PHP 4.3+
Manage and display maps as a GeoCMS (Geospatial Content Management System).Mapserver 4.6+
Rewrite Tiki's default URLsUse the Apache Clean URLs to create shorter, or custom, URLs.



Information Version
Marc Laporte Thanks Jonny! 184
Marc Laporte Restoring historical information to a new section, and moving Tiki 7-8-9 there 183
Marc Laporte 182
Marc Laporte If Tiki 17.x still has some issues with PHP 7.0, for sure Tiki 15.x will have even more 181
Marc Laporte Pretty sure Tiki 12.x and PHP 7.0 is looking for trouble 180
Marc Laporte 179
Marc Laporte Let's try 178
Marc Laporte 177
Marc Laporte Adding the Tiki19-20-21LTS round 176
Philippe Cloutier Database 175
Philippe Cloutier Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 174
Philippe Cloutier Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 173
Philippe Cloutier Edit restored by rescue script 2017-04-24T18:09:12+00:00 172
drsassafras spelling and grammer fixes 171
WizarDave added php requirement for Tiki16 170
Marc Laporte 169
Marc Laporte 168
Marc Laporte 167
Marc Laporte 166
Marc Laporte 165
Marc Laporte Great page! 164
lindon add iconv library as a requirement 163
Marc Laporte 162
Marc Laporte 161
Marc Laporte 160
luciash d' being 🧙 Fancy Table Plugin modified by editor. 159
Marc Laporte 158
Marc Laporte Now distinct page 157
Marc Laporte Good question Olivier 156
Marc Laporte 155
Marc Laporte 154
Marc Laporte 5.2 is old! 153
Marc Laporte 152
Marc Laporte 151
Marc Laporte 150
Marc Laporte 149
Marc Laporte 148
Marc Laporte Update with new policies 147
amette 146
amette 145
Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 144
Marc Laporte 143
Marc Laporte 142
Marc Laporte 141
Marc Laporte 140
Marc Laporte 139
Marc Laporte 138
Marc Laporte 137
Marc Laporte 136
Marc Laporte 135