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 deprecated and last code finally killed in Tiki15

Maps have been supported in Tiki since 2003 (which is why some call it a GeoCMS). There is geo-related info in various places (users, trackers, image galleries, articles, blog posts, etc.). This was originally done using MapServer, an active and powerful FLOSS mapping solution. However, it requires a dedicated server and more importantly, access to map data (which is not easy). MapServer in Tiki was not maintained since 2004. This likely was influenced by the fact, that Maps integration in Tiki over times moved to GoogleMaps (GMap) in favor to MapServer. Further on we moved from GMap to OpenLayers / OpenStreetMap, which is the base for Map integration in Tiki ever since.

Please visit the following pages, if you want to use Maps in Tiki:
OpenLayers, Maps, PluginMaps

Please mind: This page stays here only for historic reasons and to guide to Tiki's OpenLayers page


The mapserver is an application that has been originaly designed by the University of Minnesota, but is now maintained by many contributors. The current website can be found at http://mapserver.org/.

Recently the mapserver has been exporting functions and methods to other languages. This extension is calle d Mapscript. Mapscript can be linked to perl, python, java and php.

Tiki can use the mapscript module to display and manage Maps and become a Geospastial Content Management System (GeoCMS).

Geographic image galleries, user preferences (latitude/longitude) are some features that can take advantage of the maps