Statistics (Stats)
This admin panel includes the Statistics and Analytics admin settings available in Tiki.
To access: Click the Statistics icon on the Admin Panel
or Access
Key features
- Tiki Stats
- Usage for Tiki and Tiki feature - Good and basic to track website usage.
- Google Analytics and Google Chart (require Google analytics account) - Analytics data.
- Piwik Analytics (require Piwik server) - Analytics data with custom options.
Tiki stats
Data are displayed accordingly to your feature usage. IE: If you don’t use a feature you won’t see anything for it.
It also include a "Referer Stats" option to track referer to your website.
Tiki stats admin panel
Tiki stats user page
Google Analytics
See: Google Analytics
Piwik Analytics
For information about Piwik, see: Piwik Web analytics
Piwik Analytics admin panel
You need to set the URL to your Piwik server. IE : "".
You need to set the Id of the website you want to display the statistics. IE : "1".
Piwik Analytics user page
It is set to Piwik default dashboard but you can customise it accordingly to your need. (check Piwik widget page to review available modules)
Users with the tiki_p_view_stats permission can view several site statistics (stats) from the stats screen, the stats section can be accessed from the main application menu.
See also: