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Provide a button to toggle a pre-specified relation

Plugin Add Relation

Use this wiki plugin to display a simple button that toggles (i.e. adds or removes) a pre-specified relation.


Provide a button to toggle a pre-specified relation.
Introduced in Tiki 8. Required parameters are in bold.
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Preferences required: wikiplugin_addrelation

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
qualifier attribute_type Relation qualifier. Usually a three-part string separated by two periods. 8.0
button_id text A unique ID to distinguish the button from others on the page if there is more than one 0 8.0
label_add text Text to show on the button to add relation Add Relation 8.0
label_added text Text to show on the button when relation is already added Relation Added 8.0
label_remove text Text to show on the button to remove relation Remove Relation 8.0
button_class text Class or classes for the Button btn btn-primary 8.0
source_object text Object identifier as type:itemId to start the relation from, will use the current object if left blank. 8.0
target_object text Object identifier as type:itemId to end the relation to, will use the current object if left blank. 8.0