Move objects between categories
- Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
- Select the objects to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser.
- Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.
Object list result
Select objects to change categorization:
- Chat C
- Edit CSS C
- Bookmarks C
- Communication Center B
- Permission A
- We eat our own Dogfood
- Open development
- Yes
- Yes
- Web page No
- Web page sez Yes
- section 2 of The Ridgeway
- Open standards & protocols
- Category system A
- My Account Inter-User Messages C
- section 3 of The Ridgeway
- section 4 of The Ridgeway
- My Account B
- Articles B
- section 5 of The Ridgeway
- World Heritage Site: Avebury
- Workflow A
- Platform independence
- Spreadsheets C
- World Heritage Site: Stonehenge
- Survey B
- Quiz B
- Directory (links) C
- Shoutbox D
- body optional
- caption optional
- Contact D
- Newsletters C
- Forum C
- icon optional
- label 300
- File Gallery A
- Calendar A
- sort 300
- objecttype 298 tba
- qualifier 298 tba
- wrap 298
- File Gallery A
- Blog B
- Trackers A
- Wiki A
- Wiki Plugin (extends basic syntax) A
- pause 329
- id 329