Option | Description | Default |
Payment system | Currently a choice between PayPal, and Cclite (in development), or Tiki User Credits. PayPal: see - Cclite: Community currency PayPal | Cclite | Tiki User Credits |
PayPal |
Currency | Currency used when entering payments. | USD |
Default acceptable payment delay | Number of days before a payment request becomes overdue. This can be changed per payment request. | 30 days |
Wiki page with manual payment instructions | Enter wiki page name | None |
User can only see own outstanding payments | Unless the user has administer-payment permissions, a user can only see his or her own outstanding payments | Disabled |
User can only see own past or cancelled payments | Unless the user has administer-payment permissions, the user can only see his or her own past or cancelled payments | Disabled |
Anonymous users can pay outstanding invoices | Anonymous users can see outstanding invoices to pay them through a simple shopping cart (without the need to set up the advanced cart). | Disabled |
PayPal ID | Enable payments through PayPal. This account can be either Personal, Business Standard, or Business Pro. A Personal account allows the receiving of small payments from shopping carts. A Business Standard account allows also the receiving of periodic payments through Plugin GroupMembership or receiving bigger amounts. And a Business Pro account allows further customization. See for more information and exact fees depending on your country and business type. Primary email of your PayPal account (Personal or Business). |
None |
PayPal business password | The PayPal password associated with your PayPal Pro business account. This is NOT needed for PayPal Personal or PayPal Standard Business accounts. Primary password of your PayPal Pro business account - OPTIONAL |
None |
Paypal business signature | Your API signature associated with your PayPal Pro business account. This is NOT needed for Paypal Personal or Paypal Standard Business accounts. Your API signature associated with your PayPal Pro business account - OPTIONAL |
None |
PayPal environment | Used to switch between the PayPal sandbox, used for testing and development and the live environment. Production | Sandbox |
Production |
PayPal instant payment notification (IPN) | Enable IPN for automatic payment completion. PayPal will ping back the site when a payment is confirmed. The payment will then be entered automatically. This may not be possible if the site is not on a public server. | Enabled |
Payment data transfer (PDT) | Enable PDT for automatic payment completion. PayPal will include information that allow to validate the payment when redirecting the user back to your website without waiting for PayPal to ping back the website like IPN. The payment will then be entered automatically. | Enabled |
Payment data transfer (PDT) token | Payment data transfer token to validate PDT messages, which should be available in the PayPal admin interface where you enable PDT. | None |
Redirect after PDT payment | Optionally, after receiving a successful payment, the user will be redirected to this page. | None |
Invoice prefix | The prefix must be set and unique if the same PayPal account is used for different Tiki sites, because PayPal checks that the invoice is not paid twice | None |
ILP server base url | Inter Ledger Protocol invoice server base url. | None |
ILP bearer token | Bearer token of ILP invoice server. | None |
Enforce SSL | Enforce SSL connecting to ILP server. | Disabled |
ILP Asset scale | Scale of amount denoted in assetCode. | 9 |
Cclite registries | Registries in Cclite Registry names in Cclite |
None |
Cclite registry currencies | Currencies in Cclite Each registry in Cclite can have its own currency. There must be one currency per registry (case sensitive). |
None |
Cclite server URL | Full URL of the repository for example, |
None |
Cclite merchant user | Username in Cclite representing "the management" | Manager |
Cclite merchant key | Corresponds with merchant key setting in Cclite | None |
Cclite enable payments | Select Cclite test or live operation. Live | Test |
Test |
Hashing algorithm | Encryption type SHA1 | SHA256 | SHA512 |
SHA1 |
Cclite payment notification | To do | Enabled |
Types of credit to use | This is a list of the types of Tiki user credits that are acceptable for payment. | None |
Exchange rate for types of credit to use | This is a corresponding list of the number of credits equivalent to 1 unit of the payment currency. | None |
Payment - Advanced shopping cart
Option | Description | Default |
Payment heading | Heading displayed on payment form | Cart Check-Out |
Products tracker name | Name of tracker that is the products tracker, needed for advanced cart features; the item ID will be the product code. | None |
Orders tracker name | Name of tracker that is the orders tracker | None |
Order items tracker name | Name of tracker that is the order items tracker | None |
Product classes tracker name | Name of tracker that is the product classes tracker | None |
Products tracker ID | ID of the tracker that is the products tracker, which is needed for advanced cart features; the item ID will be the product code. | 0 |
Product name field name | In the products tracker, the name of the field for the product name that will be used as the label of the product, for example in a bundle. | 0 |
Product price field name | In the products tracker, the name of the field for the product price | 0 |
Product class ID field name | In the products tracker, the name of the field for the product class ID | 0 |
Bundled products feature for cart | Activate the bundled products feature. This requires a products tracker to be set up properly, and the item ID must be the product code. | Disabled |
Items in bundle field name | In the products tracker, the name of the field for a comma-separated list of product IDs of products in the bundle (that is, if the field contains anything, then this product is a bundle). You can also specify the number of the sub-products; for example, 23:("colon")2,24 means item 23 (x2) + item 24 (x1). | 0 |
Manage product inventory | Activate product inventory feature. This requires a products tracker to be set up properly, and the item ID must be the product code. | Disabled |
Inventory type field ID | In the products tracker, the ID of the field to store the inventory type; the value of the field must be "none" or "internal". | 0 |
Inventory total field ID | In the products tracker, the ID of the field to store the total inventory of products | 0 |
Inventory total less hold field ID | In the products tracker, the ID of the field to store the total inventory of products less the amount on hold because they are currently in carts | 0 |
Inventory hold timeout | Minutes to hold inventory before making it available again when there is no user cart action | 15 minutes |
Record cart orders in trackers | This feature is available for registered users and requires two trackers to be created and configured, an orders tracker and an orders item tracker. Profiles also need to be configured, to do the recording. | None |
Order tracker ID | ID of the tracker that contains the order - needed for advanced cart features. | 0 |
Order user field | User making the order field | 0 |
Order date field | Date and time of the order field | 0 |
Order total field | Total cost of the order field | 0 |
Order invoice field | Payment system invoice Id field | 0 |
Order weight field | Payment system order weight field in grammes | 0 |
Order Items tracker ID | ID of the tracker that contains the order items - needed for advanced cart features. | 0 |
Order Item Order field | ItemLink field pointing to the Item's Order | 0 |
Order Item Product field | ItemLink field pointing to the Item's Product | 0 |
Order Item price field | Total price for the Item | 0 |
Item quantity field | Number of products in this Item | 0 |
Item User field | User Selector field who added this Item | 0 |
Item inputedprice field | Unknown | 0 |
Allow anonymous shopping | Allow shopping by anonymous users and record the orders in trackers. | Disabled |
Anonymous shopper info profile | Wiki page containing the profile for creating order items for anonymous users (page name must not have spaces) | None |
Anonymous users order review page | Wiki page where anonymous users can review their orders | None |
Temporary shopper group | Group name of group with permission to access review page via a token | None |
Enable association of product orders with events | Enable association of products with events (or projects, etc.). | Disabled |
Associated event ID field name | In the products tracker, the field name for the associated event ID. This is needed for the associated events cart feature, and requires an events tracker to be set up in which the item ID there is the event ID to be associated with. | 0 |
Events tracker ID | Tracker ID of tracker that is the events tracker | 0 |
Events tracker name | Name of tracker that is the events tracker | None |
Event start field name | Field name in events tracker of start date/time | None |
Event end field name | Field name in events tracker of end date/time | None |
Item event code field | 0 | |
Item event start field | 0 | |
Item event end field | 0 | |
Item parent code field | 0 | |
Allow exchange of products | None |
Payment - Plugins
Option | Description | Default |
Plugin Add to cart | Add a product to the shopping cart. | Disabled |
Plugin Adjust Inventory | Adjust the inventory level of a product | Disabled |
Plugin Extend Cart Inventory Hold | Extend the time that items are held in a shopping cart. | Disabled |
Plugin Member Payment | Receive payment from a member to extend membership to a group | Enabled |
Plugin Payment | Show the details of a payment request or invoice. | Enabled |
Plugin Collect Anonymous Shopper Info | Collect shopper information for the shopping cart | Disabled |
Payment - Shipping
Option | Description | Default |
Shipping service | Expose a JSON shipping rate estimation service. Accounts from providers may be required (FedEx, UPS, ...). | Disabled |
FedEx API | Enable shipping rate calculation through FedEx APIs | Disabled |
FedEx key | Developer key | None |
FedEx password | None | |
FedEx account number | None | |
FedEx meter number | None | |
UPS API | Enable shipping rate calculation using the UPS carrier. | Disabled |
UPS access key | None | |
UPS username | UPS credentials | None |
UPS password | UPS credentials | None |
Custom shipping provider | None | Custom Shipping Example | None |
Option | Description | Default |
Monitor Tiki Performance | Register multiple parameters related to tiki's performance | Disabled |
Minify JavaScript | Compress JavaScript files used in the page into a single file to be distributed statically. Changes to JavaScript files will require cache to be cleared. Uses | Disabled |
Minify late JavaScript | Compress extra JavaScript files used in the page after tiki-setup into a separate file which may vary from page to page. | Disabled |
Use CDN for JavaScript | Obtain jQuery and jQuery UI libraries through a content delivery network (CDN). None | Google | jQuery |
None |
Content delivery networks | Use alternate domains to serve static files from this Tiki site to avoid sending cookies, improve local caching and generally improve user-experience performance. List of URI prefixes to include before static files (one per line), for example: |
None |
Content delivery networks in SSL | Use alternate domains to serve static files from this Tiki site to avoid sending cookies, improve local caching and generally improve user-experience performance. Leave empty to disable CDN in SSL mode. List of URI prefixes to include before static files (one per line), for example: |
None |
Check CDN files exists | Check that minified JS and CSS files exist before including them in the page. | Enabled |
Prefix CSS | Use -prefix-free JavaScript library to add vendor specific css prefixes. May be replaced by a server-side option soon. |
Disabled |
Minify CSS | Compress CSS files (notably by removing white space). Changes to CSS files will require cache to be cleared. Uses | Disabled |
Minify CSS into a single file | In addition to reducing the size of the CSS files, reduce the number of files by consolidating them. This setting may not work out of the box for all styles. Import needs to use @import url("...") and not @import "..." |
Disabled |
GZip output | Compress your pages on-the-fly, if the requesting browser supports this | Enabled |
Cache-control header | Custom HTTP header to use when a session is active Example: no-cache, pre-check=0, post-check=0 |
None |
Smarty compilation | Indicates when the template cache should be refreshed. Modified | Never check (performance) | Always (development, slow) |
Modified |
Serve profile pictures statically | When enabled, feature checks and permission checks will be skipped. | Enabled |
Allow image lazy loading | Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way | Disabled |
Performance - Database
Option | Description | Default |
Log SQL | All SQL queries will be registered in the database in the tiki_sql_query_logs table. Do not enable this feature all the time. It can be very resource intensive and will impact performance. |
Disabled |
Log queries using more than | Use to log only queries that exceed a specific amount of time. May impact performance |
0.05 seconds |
Performance - Major slowdowns
Option | Description | Default |
Plugin ShareThis | Add a ShareThis button | Disabled |
Log SQL | All SQL queries will be registered in the database in the tiki_sql_query_logs table. Do not enable this feature all the time. It can be very resource intensive and will impact performance. |
Disabled |
Log mail in Tiki logs | A line of type mail will be included in the System Log with the destination address and subject of each email sent. May impact performance |
Disabled |
Smarty template usage indicator | Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (.tpl file) Clear the Tiki system cache for this change to take effect. Use only for development, not in production at a live site, because these warnings are added to emails as well, and are visible to users in the page source. May impact performance |
Disabled |
Show category object count | Show object count when browsing categories, complying with search and type filters Can slow the loading of the categories page on large sites. |
Enabled |
Clear cache upon category change | A cache is used to avoid having to fetch all categories from the database every time; this clears the cache when an object is categorized to keep the count up to date. Can slow saving objects on sites with a lot of categories. You may need to manually clear caches to update category object counts. |
Enabled |
Log bytes changes (+/-) in action logs | May impact performance | Disabled |
Parse search results | When enabled search results are parsed so content formatting is visible in the search results May impact performance |
Enabled |
Custom blog headings | Using custom blog headings will use significantly more server resources. Unless you need per-blog templates, you should customize the template file instead. | Disabled |
PHP Error reporting level | Level of errors to be reported. Errors can be seen in a collapsible box at the bottom of the page, if any exist. No error reporting | Report all PHP errors except strict | Report all PHP errors | Report all PHP errors except notices | According to the PHP configuration |
Report all PHP errors excep... |
Enable Typography Features | Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents | Disabled |
Performance - Memcache
Option | Description | Default |
Memcache | Enable connection to memcached servers to store temporary information. Requires the PHP memcache extension. |
Disabled |
Memcache key prefix | When the memcache cluster is used by multiple applications, using unique prefixes for each of them helps avoid conflicts. | Tiki_ |
Memcache expiration | Duration for which the data will be kept. | 3600 seconds |
Memcache servers | Server list which may be accessed. For each server, the address, port and weight must be specified. One per line, with format of address:port (weight); for example, "localhost:11211 (1)" |
None |
Cache wiki data in memcache | Enabled | |
Cache wiki output in memcache | Enabled | |
Cache forum output in memcache | Enabled |
Performance - Newsletter
Performance - Plugins
Option | Description | Default |
Global cache time for the plugin snarf | Default cache time for the plugin snarf 0 for no cache |
0 seconds |
Performance - Sessions
Option | Description | Default |
Silent session | Do not automatically start sessions. Users will only have a session if they log in. Anonymous users will not have features like Switch Language or Switch Theme (which require a session) Can cause problems when combined with cookie consent and JavaScript-disabled browsers. |
Disabled |
Cache-control header (no session) | Custom HTTP header to use when no session is active | None |
Performance - Time and memory limits
Option | Description | Default |
PHP execution memory limit | Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during PHP execution. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server. for example 256M, currently is 160M |
None |
PHP execution time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during PHP execution. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example 30 seconds, currently is 30 seconds |
None |
Tracker item export memory limit | Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server. for example: 256M |
None |
Tracker item export time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Tracker clear time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Printing to PDF memory limit | Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server. for example: 256M |
None |
Printing to PDF time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Printing to PDF. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Search index rebuild memory limit | Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server. for example: 256M |
None |
Search index rebuild time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Search index rebuild. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Security check time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Security check. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. time allocated to check all tiki files on tiki-admin_security.php |
60 seconds |
Performance - Wiki
Option | Description | Default |
Cache wiki pages (global) | Enable page cache globally for wiki pages. Wiki cache reduces server load but can cause some empty pages and other issues when using wiki plugins. Use only if necessary; it may be better to use an individual wiki cache for only the pages that require it. no cache | 1 minute | 5 minutes | 10 minutes | 15 minutes | 30 minutes | 1 hour | 2 hours |
2 hours |
Individual wiki cache | Allow users to change the duration of the cache on a per-page basis. | Enabled |
Page ranking reload probability | Calculation of page rankings is a resource-intensive task that cannot be performed at every page load. It will be calculated at random page loads based on a dice roll. This option indicates the number of faces on the dice. Larger numbers lead to reduced resource use, but less-accurate ranking. | 1000 |
Last modified header | Allow to ensure that a wiki page has not changed since the previous caching. This option helps clients (browsers, crawlers) to use less bandwidth and improve crawling and indexing of wiki pages. | Disabled |