Textarea editing - General settings
Option | Description | Default |
Full screen | Allow users to activate full-screen mode. | Disabled |
Use file galleries to store images | If not enabled, images will be stored in the file system, in the /img/wiki_up directory, instead. | Enabled |
Dynamic content system | Block of content which can be reused and programmed (timed) | Disabled |
Search and replace | Enables finding and replacing of content in the edit box | Enabled |
Code editor (CodeMirror) | CodeMirror code editor, which provides syntax highlighting | Disabled |
Syntax highlighter (CodeMirror) Theme | CodeMirror themes (clear cache after changing) default | Off (but switchable) | 3024-day | 3024-night | ambiance | ambiance-mobile | base16-dark | base16-light | blackboard | cobalt | eclipse | elegant | erlang-dark | lesser-dark | mbo | midnight | monokai | neat | night | paraiso-dark | paraiso-light | rubyblue | solarized | the-matrix | tomorrow-night-eighties | twilight | vibrant-ink | xq-dark | xq-light |
Off (but switchable) |
Full WYSIWYG editor | WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". CKEditor is used to provide a word-processor-like editing experience. | Enabled |
Ajax auto-save | Save content during editing, enabling work to be recovered after any interruption. Also enable a real-time preview. This option is required for WYSIWYG plugin processing. | Enabled |
Preview Edits | Add a preview tab to text areas. | Enabled |
Smileys | Also known as emoticons | Enabled |
Wiki paragraph formatting | When the wiki paragraph formatting feature is on, all groups of non-blank lines are collected into paragraphs. Lines can be of any length, and will be wrapped together with the next line. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. When the Wiki paragraph formatting feature is off, each line will be presented as you write it. This means that if you want paragraphs to be wrapped properly, a paragraph should be all together on one line. | Enabled |
Create line breaks within paragraphs | When Wiki paragraph formatting is enabled, this option creates line breaks within paragraphs. | Enabled |
Parse wiki syntax in comments | Parse wiki syntax in comments in all sections apart from Forums Use "Accept wiki syntax" for forums in admin forums page |
Enabled |
Automonospaced text | Lines indented with spaces will automatically be converted to monospace font. | Disabled |
Tables syntax | || for rows | <return> for rows | <return> for rows |
Wiki argument variables | Allow writing request variables in wiki content using or - special case Preferences - Text editing to Users | Disabled |
Dynamic variables | Global snippets of text that can be included in wiki pages and edited in place. Disabled | Single (%varname%) | Double (%%varname%%) |
Single (%varname%) |
Multilingual dynamic variables | Make dynamic variable content language-specific. | Disabled |
Multilevel style numbering for ordered lists | Make ordered list items display unique numbers for all levels of their sub-items; for example: 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, etc. | Disabled |
Convert from absolute to relative link | Process wiki text and convert internal links from absolute to relative links | Enabled |
Markdown | Support markdown syntax. | Disabled |
Github-flavored markdown | Enable Github-flavored markdown. | Enabled |
Default syntax | Which syntax to use as the default wiki syntax when a new content block is created. Tiki-style wiki syntax | Markdown |
Tiki-style wiki syntax |
Enable Typography Features | Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents | Disabled |
Smart “curly” quotes | Convert "straight" quotes to “curly” ones, also convert ’ apostrophe and ‘single’ quotes | Disabled |
Convert approximative ASCII quotes | Convert plain-ASCII quote substitutes `` '' ,, << >> to their typographic equivalent “ ” „ « » | Disabled |
Smart em-dash and ellipsis | Convert double hyphen — to em-dash — and three consecutive dots ... to typographic ellipsis character… | Disabled |
Smart no-break space | Prevents line breaks from occuring at unfortunate places in the text by replacing regular space character with no-break spaces where appropriate: around some punctuation, when used as thousand separator, and between a unit abbreviation and the number preceding it. | Enabled |
Plugin Add Bibliography | Add bibliography listing in the footer of a wiki page | Disabled |
Plugin Add Reference | Add a bibliography reference. | Disabled |
Plugin Anchor Link | Create a link to an anchor | Disabled |
Plugin Anchor Name | Create an anchor that can be linked to | Disabled |
Plugin Box | Create a formatted box with a title bar | Enabled |
Plugin Button | Add a link formatted as a button | Disabled |
Plugin Center | Center text | Enabled |
Plugin Code | Display code with syntax highlighting and line numbering. | Enabled |
Plugin Countdown | Display the time until or after a date and time | Disabled |
Plugin Div | Define and format sections of a page or text | Enabled |
Plugin Definition List | Create a definition list | Enabled |
Plugin Fade | Create a link that shows/hides initially hidden content | Enabled |
Plugin Fancy List | Create a formatted numbered list | Enabled |
Plugin Fancy Table | Create a formatted table that can be filtered and sorted | Enabled |
Plugin Font | Format the font type and size of text | Disabled |
Plugin Footnote | Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnoteArea) | Disabled |
Plugin Footnote Area | Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnote) | Disabled |
Plugin Gauge | Display a horizontal bar gauge | Disabled |
Plugin HTML | Add HTML to a page | Enabled |
Plugin Iframe | Include the body of another web page in a scrollable frame within a page | Disabled |
Plugin Include | Include a portion of another wiki page | Enabled |
Plugin Monospace | Display text in a monospace font | Disabled |
Plugin Mouseover | Display hidden content by mousing over text | Enabled |
Plugin MediaWiki Table | Display a table using MediaWiki syntax | Disabled |
Plugin Now | Show the current date and time | Enabled |
Plugin Quote | Format text as a quote | Enabled |
Plugin Remarks Box | Display a comment, tip, note or warning box | Enabled |
Plugin Scroll | Show animated text that scrolls up or down | Disabled |
Plugin Sort | Sort lines of text | Enabled |
Plugin Split | Arrange content on a page into rows and columns | Enabled |
Plugin Superscript | Apply superscript font to text | Enabled |
Plugin Subscript | Apply subscript font to text | Enabled |
Plugin Tabs | Arrange content in tabs | Enabled |
Plugin Tag | Apply an HTML tag to content | Disabled |
Plugin Table of Contents (Structure) | Display a table of contents of pages in a structure | Enabled |
Plugin Versions | Create tabs for showing alternate versions of content | Disabled |
Plugin Show Preference | Display the value of public global preferences | Disabled |
Plugin CasperJS | Enable running CasperJS scripts from this Tiki site. | Disabled |
HTML purifier | HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP and integrated in Tiki. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also ensure that your documents are standards-compliant. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax and produce unwanted results. If you use HTML in your wiki page and it gets stripped out or rewritten, make sure your HTML is valid, or de-activate this feature. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax and produce unwanted results. |
Enabled |
AutoLinks | Web (http://) and email addresses will automatically be converted to links. | Enabled |
Hotwords | Disabled | |
Open hotwords in new window | Disabled | |
Characters that limit a hotword | \n\t\r\,\;\(\)\.\:\[\]\{\}\... | |
Use Quote plugin rather than ">" for quoting | Disabled | |
Center text using ::: instead of :: | Useful to avoid conflicts with C++ scope operators or default namespace separator | Disabled |
String to use to delimit simplebox | ^ | |
Text string used to customise mail templates | Text string used to customise mail templates and added as a pref reference in the appropriate mail tpl files | None |
Wiki | 20 rows | |
Comment box | Size (height) of the comment text area. | 6 rows |
Forum | 20 rows | |
Forum reply | 10 rows | |
Cache external pages | Disabled | |
Cache external images | Disabled | |
External link icon | External links will be identified with an icon. To customize the icon, change the "link-external" icon in the icon set. | Enabled |
Add "rel=nofollow" to external links | Nofollow is used to instruct some search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index. | Disabled |
Open external links in new window | Open links to external sites in a new browser tab or window. | Enabled |
Allow image lazy loading | Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way | Disabled |
Textarea editing - Plugins
Option | Description | Default |
Automatically approve wiki-plugins on pages installed by profiles | Some wiki-plugins require admin approval before they are executable. If turned on, then all wiki-plugins that are on wiki pages created via profiles are automatically approved. Make sure your profiles are not executable or editable by untrusted users. |
Disabled |
Plugin pending approval notification | Send an email alert to users with permission to approve plugins when a plugin approval is pending | Disabled |
Default for img-fluid class used in the IMG plugin | Default option for whether an image produced with the IMG plugin has the img-fluid class - a plugin parameter allows this to be overridden | Enabled |
Maximum plugin parsing passes | Affects the number of wiki plugins that can be used. The default of 500 allows for 1 plugin nested seven times, or 44 plugins nested once. A value of 1200 is required for 1 eighth level plugin. Setting this to a higher value than the default of 500 may have performance implications. |
500 passes |
Allow plugin-specific edits | Add an icon next to each plugin usage to enable editing the plugin in a popup form, without needing to edit the whole page. This feature is unavailable outside wiki pages, whether or not this preference is enabled. | Enabled |
Only display focused edit icons (for sections and/or plugins) on request | Focused edit icons will only display after a per-session "Edit icons" preference is enabled. This preference is defined directly from any wiki page. | Enabled |
GUI for the list plugin | Experimental GUI for the list plugin in popup plugin edit forms. (listgui) | Enabled |
Plugin trackerlist converter | Button on trackerlist and trackerfilter plugins edit form to convert them to use the list plugin instead. | Disabled |
Plugins tab of the textarea control panel loads with an empty list | Improve the performance of the textarea control panel by avoiding the loading of all plugins initially Some plugins may not appear. When using the MySQL engine, can have problems with short plugin names (for MyISAM, those under "ft_min_word_len"). |
Disabled |
Trackers - Plugins
Option | Description | Default |
Plugin Insert Tracker Item | Create a tracker item when the plugin is inserted in the page. The plugin code is removed and replaced by a link to the newly created item. | Disabled |
Trackers available for insertion from wiki pages | List of tracker IDs made available when attempting to insert | None |
Plugin Tracker | Embed a form to populate a tracker | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker List | List, filter and sort the items in a tracker | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Filter | Create a form to filter tracker fields | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker If | Display content based on results of a tracker field test | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Stats | Display statistics about a tracker. | Enabled |
Plugin Mini Quiz | Create a quiz using a tracker | Enabled |
Plugin Vote | Create a tracker for voting | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Comments | Display the number of comments for a tracker | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Item Field | Display or test the value of a tracker item field | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Prefill | Create a button to prefill tracker fields | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Timeline | Show a timeline view of a tracker | Enabled |
Plugin Tracker Toggle | Adjust the visibility of content based on a tracker field's value, possibly dynamically | Enabled |
Plugin Copy Tracker Item | Copy a tracker item | Disabled |
Plugin Tracker Query Template | Generate a form from tracker data | Disabled |
Trackers - Settings
Option | Description | Default |
Trackers | Database and form generator | Enabled |
Synchronize remote tracker | Enable a tracker to be cloned on a remote host, and synchronize the data locally on demand. | Disabled |
Tracker Import-Export | Allows management of import/export tracker profiles and management of custom list formats. | Enabled |
Duplicate tracker items | Allow copying tracker item information to a new tracker item. If the item has an item-link linked, it will automatically create new child item. This last can be turned on and off per case on the item-link tracker fields options. | Disabled |
Tracker item export memory limit | Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server. for example: 256M |
None |
Tracker item export time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item export. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Tracker item import memory limit | Temporarily adjust the memory limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some large operations require more memory. Increasing it locally, per operation, allows to keep a lower memory limit globally. Keep in mind that memory usage is still limited to what is available on the server. for example: 256M |
None |
Tracker item import time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker item import. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Tracker clear time limit | Temporarily adjust the time limit to use during Tracker clear. Depending on the volume of data, some requests may take longer. Increase the time limit locally to resolve the issue. Use reasonable values. for example: 30 |
None |
Warn on edit conflict | When another user is editing a page, spreadsheet or tracker item, you will be warned about a possible conflict. This feature is useful to prevent collisions when editing. | Enabled |
Inline editing | Enable inline editing of certain values. Currently limited to tracker item fields. | Disabled |
Tracker list inline editing | Enable inline editing of all fields on the tracker list page. | Enabled |
Tracker report resize button | Add a button to resize long tracker reports. | Disabled |
Show comments below items | Show comments for a tracker item below the item itself as in other trackers, instead of enclosed in a tab | Disabled |
Insert and edit items in a tab | Edit tracker items in a tab instead of a popup dialog. | Disabled |
Show tracker status in objectlink | Show the status when doing an objectlink. This can be used to show the status in tracker screens but not in outputs. | Enabled |
Always notify watchers | Send item updated notifications to watchers even if nothing has changed. | Disabled |
Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page | This redirection uses the wiki prefix alias feature | Disabled |
Tracker item links use prefix alias | Links for tracker items will use the prefix alias automatically everywhere. | Enabled |
Tracker title in SEFURL | To display the title, you should disable `Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page` | Enabled |
Tracker list order | Default order for the main tracker list. Id Ascending | Id Descending | Created Ascending | Created Descending | Name Ascending | Name Descending | Last Modified Ascending | Last Modified Descending | Number of Items Ascending | Number of Items Descending |
Created Descending |
Tracker History Diff Style | Default style for tracker history. Original | Side-by-side diff | Inline diff | Unified diff |
Side-by-side diff |
Maximum users in drop-down lists | Use jQuery autocomplete text input to prevent out-of-memory errors and performance issues when the user list is very large. | 50 users |
Show user's real name | Use the user's real name instead of log-in name in the autocomplete selector in trackers This is a global switch for the parameter "Show real name if possible". Requires activation in the options of each User Selector field independently. |
Disabled |
Object selector threshold | Number of records after which the object selectors will request searching instead of selecting from a list. | 250 records |
Object selector search field | Field or (comma separated) fields to search when filtering in an object selector. e.g. "content" (default "title") | Title |
Object selector wildcard search | Enabled | |
Refresh item link items when the master is modified | To be used when item link is used in trackers so that the index remains in good shape when data on the master that is indexed with the detail is modified and used to search on. | Enabled |
Refresh items list items when related items are created or modified | Use this to enable the ItemsList fields to refresh their content in the search index when related tracker items are created or modified. | Disabled |
Allow searching for existing files in the tracker files field | Search files using the search index. | Enabled |
Index Tracker Category names | Index the names and paths of category field values Requires reindexing |
Enabled |
Change field types | Allow field type to be changed after creation. Use with care! |
Enabled |
Tracker Field Rules | Conditional rules for tracker fields. Experimental new feature, expect some issues. |
Enabled |
Numeric field data modification via scroll | Allow the numeric field data to be changed on movement of mousepad or mouse scroll Disabled | Use default behavior of the browser (browsers have different behaviors) |
Disabled |
Allow autoincrement fields start value to be reset to a new value | In some use cases like sequential numbers that begin by the current year, e.g. 20210001, the autoincrement value may have to be annually reset. In this case, just update the start value in the field definition. Use with care, potential for data loss. |
Disabled |
Default locale for currency formatting | Currency fields use a system locale to format the output of currency values. Set the default one here when none is selected in the field themselves. Visit "Server Check" page for a list of available system locales. | None |
Sync wiki page name to linked tracker field | When the wiki page is renamed or when the value of the tracker field that is linked to the wiki page is changed, make the corresponding change as well to the other linked via tiki.wiki.linkedfield relation. | Disabled |
Redirect page views to the linked tracker item | Redirect the user to the tracker item when trying to view a wiki page that has a linked tracker item via tiki.wiki.linkeditem relation. Can be bypassed by adding &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL. To get to the wiki page after activation, you can add &admin (?admin in sefurl) to the URL. |
Disabled |
Storage | Location where tracker attachment files are stored Database | Filesystem |
Database |
Directory path | Path of a directory on Tiki's host, such as /var/www/. For confidentiality, this directory should not be web accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. | None |
Require users to fill in tracker information | Require users to fill in a tracker form if not done already by prompting them with a modal dialog. | Disabled |
Tracker ID of tracker required to be filled in | A tracker for articles must contain an "Articles" field | None |
Mandatory tracker field to check for required filling in | The permname of field that is checked to see if user has completed the form. If field is empty, user has not completed it. | None |
Fields that are asked for in the modal for force-filling | Comma-separated permanent names of fields that are requested in the modal for required filling in. If empty, all fields are requested | None |
Force users to upload an avatar. | Require the user to upload a profile picture if they haven't done so already by prompting them with a modal popup. | Disabled |
Users - Messaging and notifications
Option | Description | Default |
Character set for mail | default | utf-8 | iso-8859-1 | utf-8 |
User messages | Enables inter-user messages (for this to work for new users, the tiki_p_messages permission must be assigned to at least the Registered group).. | Disabled |
Messages per page | 2 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 10 messages |
Allow messages from other users | Enabled | |
Notify sender when reading mail | Disabled | |
Send me an email for messages with priority equal to or greater than | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | None | 3 priority |
Auto-archive read messages after | The number of days after which Tiki will archive the messages that have been read by the user. Never | 1 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 |
0 days |
Notifications | Allow users to control the notifications they receive based on content changes. | Disabled |
Clear individual notifications | Allow users to selectively clear notifications instead of simply having a clear-all button. | Disabled |
Notification count refresh interval | Show unread notification count and refresh every x seconds. 0 to disable, every refresh causes a hit on the server, try to leave this above 60 seconds. |
0 seconds |
Notification reply-to email pattern | Email model to use for the notification email reply-to address. noreply+PLACEHOLDER@example.com |
None |
Notification digests | Enable digest notifications (requires a cron job) | Disabled |
Disable indexing of activity stream log | Activity stream log in the search index is controlled by the presence of custom or basic activity events and also by enabling monitoring of events by users. Larger activity streams can cause problems with certain search engines. If you have such problems, you can disable indexing of activity stream here. | Disabled |
User watches | Receive email notification of changes. Each user can choose to be notified of changes to specific items | Disabled |
Group watches | All users in a group selected by a users admin (tiki_p_admin_users) will receive email notification of changes to specific items. Users cannot choose to stop receiving those notifications while they are members of that group | Disabled |
Daily reports for user watches | Allows you to schedule daily reports of watches to be sent (batched) at specific times. | Disabled |
Enable daily reports for new users | Determines if daily reports will be automatically enabled for new users. | Disabled |
User watches translations | Disabled | |
Group alert | With this feature you can choose the user in the group to be alerted about some changes in the Tiki site: Calendar items, Tracker changes, Tracker item changes, File gallery changes | Disabled |
Webmail | Provides a webmail interface for site users' own IMAP or POP accounts. | Disabled |
User mention notifications | Add support for @username mentions notifications | Disabled |
Users - User features
Option | Description | Default |
User wizard | Wizard to help users set up their basic settings and account details | Disabled |
Mini calendar | Displays a personal calendar for each user. | Disabled |
User tasks | Disabled | |
User notepad | Disabled | |
My bookmarks | Disabled | |
User favorites | Enable users to flag content as their favorite. | Disabled |
User contacts | Disabled | |
User menu | Unmaintained feature | Disabled |
Menu user levels | Enables control of the per-group visibility of menu options | Disabled |
Tagging users | Add support for @username mentions | Disabled |
User's information page | A personal wiki page for each user. | Disabled |
Userpage prefix | All userpages share a common prefix. The page name will be a concatenation of the prefix and the username. A prefix is required. | User: |
Users - User files
Option | Description | Default |
User files | Disabled | |
Store user files in a file gallery | Use the file gallery admin and the individual file gallery settings to manage file storage preferences. | Disabled |
Storage | Storage settings when file galleries are not used Store in database | Store in directory |
Store in database |
Directory path | Specify a directory on this server, for example: /var/www/ It's recommended that this directory not be web-accessible. PHP must be able to read/write to the directory. | None |
Quota | 30 megabytes | |
Private | Users cannot see each other's files or galleries | Disabled |
Hidden | Users can see each other's files, but don't see the galleries in listings | Disabled |
Users - User info and picture
Option | Description | Default |
User information | Specify if the user's information is public or private. Private | Public |
Private |
Show user's real name | Show the user's real name instead of username (log-in name), when possible. | Enabled |
URL to go to when clicking on a username | URL to go to when clicking on a username. Default: tiki-user_information.php?userId=No value assigned (Use No value assigned for login name and No value assigned for userId)) | None |
Pre-set show user's info on mouseover | Set new users' info to display in a popup when their name is hovered over. | Disabled |
Users available in search results | Users available within search results. Content related to the user will be included in the index. None | All | Public |
None |
Highlight group | None | Team Developers | Registered | DocTwoEditors | DocTwoAdmins | DocContributors | Anonymous | Admins | 0 |
Show user's contribution on the user information page | View user's contribution on the user information page. | Disabled |
Display user tracker information on the user information page | Display user tracker information on the user information page Input the user tracker ID then field IDs to be shown, all separated by commas. Example: 1,1,2,3,4 (user tracker ID 1 followed by field IDs 1-4) |
None |
Display who has viewed "my items" on the user information page | This requires activation of tracking of views for various items in the action log | Disabled |
Length of "who viewed my items" history | Number of days before the current day to consider when displaying "who viewed my items" | 90 days |
Show to others "who viewed my items" on the user information page | Show to others "who viewed my items" on the user information page. Admins can always see this information. | Disabled |
Unified user details | Use User Details Page using the Unified Index. | Disabled |
Use Gravatar for user profile pictures | Always request the Gravatar image for the user profile picture. | Disabled |
Store full-size copy of profile picture in file gallery | Enabled | |
Size of the small profile picture stored for users | 45 pixels | |
Crop the profile picture thumbnail to a square | Disabled | |
File gallery in which to store full-size profile picture | Enter the gallery ID here. Create a dedicated gallery that is admin-only for security, or make sure gallery permissions are set so that only admins can edit. | 1 |
File ID of default profile picture | File ID of image to use in file gallery as the profile picture if user has no profile picture in file galleries | 0 |
Users - User settings
Option | Description | Default |
User preferences screen | Enabled | |
Display "My Account" in the application menu | Display "My Account" in the application menu | Enabled |
XMPP account JID or username | XMPP account JID or username | None |
XMPP account password | XMPP account password | None |
XMPP http-bind URL | Full URL to the http-bind. https://xmpp.example.org/http-bind/ |
None |
My pages | List all wiki pages edited by the user. | Enabled |
My blogs | List all blogs and blog posts edited by the user. | Enabled |
My messages | List all messages and replies by the user. | Enabled |
My tasks | List all tasks by the user. | Enabled |
My forum topics | List all forum topics by the user. | Enabled |
My forum replies | List all forum replies by the user. | Enabled |
My items | List all tracker items by the user. | Enabled |
Displayed time zone | Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback. Always the site default time zone. | Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback. |
Use time zone set from user... |
Use 12-hour clock for time selectors | Use the 12-hour clock (with AM and PM) in some edit screens to set the time for publishing new or edited blog posts, articles, etc. | Disabled |
Users can change theme | Users can override the theme with this setting. | Enabled |
Number of visited pages to remember | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 4 visited pages |
Tasks per page | 2 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 10 tasks |
Use interface that shows differences in any versions | Disabled | |
Keep closed remarksbox hidden | Remember the alert boxes that users have closed and don't display them again. | Enabled |
Require admin users to enter their password for some critical actions | User password will be required for critical operations that can compromise the system security or stability, like adding users to the admin group | Enabled |
Lock user account after a period of inactivity | User account will be locked automatically after a defined period of not logging in or inactivity | Disabled |
Period of inactivity before account get locked | User account will be locked automatically after this period (in days) | 30 |