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History: Tiki in Ten minutes

Source of version: 10 (current)

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            !Tiki in Ten Minutes

This ((recipe)) is intended for (beginner) web developers who want to use command line client like ((PuTTY)) for a Tikiwiki ((installation)) in a standard web hosting environment with root access permissions. This is a complete step by step, command by command set of instructions.

You should be able to select, copy and and then right-click to paste these commands in the PuTTY command window.

Currently we include commands for both a install and a 1.10 install. 

See also ((Installation))

!!Before you start
This is the development  environment these instructions are written for.

Server: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
SSH/Telenet Client: PuTTY
Server Control Panel Interface: WHM (Cpanel/WebHostManager)

NOTE: To perform these steps you have root (shell) access. Most shared (cheap) hosting companies do not provide this. 

!!Tiki in 10 minutes Install:

If you haven't before, get ((PuTTY)).

Login. Initially you need to open PuTTY, put in your your IP address and port number (leave this as the default or ask your ((Hosting)) Provider if that doesn't work. Then, once you are logged, you have to enter your account name and pw. Login Ok? Lets proceed. 

Use ls to verify you are in the root folder of your account. You should see folders like public_html public_ftp here.
^# ls^

move to public_html wherer the web stuff goes.
^# cd public_html^

download the compressed tiki files directly from the source.
for 2.0:
 # wget ~np~ http://downloads.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/tikiwiki-2.0.zip?modtime=1218472166&big_mirror=1
for 3.0 (trunk) (alpha zip file):
wget ~np~http://de.tiki.org/tar/lastiki_trunk.zip ~/np~
Note: for other versions, surf to ~np~ http://downloads.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki~/np~ and copy a new link location

^# tar -zxvf tikiwiki- (for .gz)


 # unzip lastiki_BRANCH-1-10.zip (for .zip)

 # bunzip2 file.bz2 (for .bz2)

move the decomressed files to the public_html folder
^# mv   tikiwiki-*   ~/public_html


# mv BRANCH-1-10/* ~/public_html

optional: erase the original downloaded zip file
^# rm tikiwiki-^

check the list of files and folders in public_html. it should contain folders starting with "ajax"
^# ls^

!!8. Shortcut!
In most cases, you must now close Putty, goto your control panel and create a database, user and assign permissions. navigate in your broswer to your home site and see if you get the "local.php not found . . . run install.php" screen. If so - choose install and enter your DB setup, and you are done here! 

If you can't access tiki-install.php because of a permissions error, reopen Putty, login again and use the following. 

!!9. (optional)

^# mkdir files
 # chmod 777 files
 # chmod 777 tiki-install.php^

If we don't use control panel we can create a database and user for tikiwiki. 

^# mysql

 # mysql> CREATE DATABASE youraccountname_tiki CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

 # mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON youraccountname_tiki.* TO 'youraccountname_yourusername'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';

 # mysql> \q

Now close putty again. open your browser. Enter your site's URL,

You should be directed to the installer, which completes the installation by creating the ‘’local.php’’ file with the appropriate database settings.  

Enter your database information. And click “Install”


!!Hello World
Hello World! Your tiki exists. By default you are logged as the “admin” (superuser) with password “admin” – change that now. 

Now the hard stuff (which takes longer than 10 minutes) – content. But before you do that, secure your tiki by dropping the permissions on the installer file. 

!!!Alternate Install: restore a database from a dump file.

This command will run any sql file you have uploaded to the server, such as a dump (DB backup) from a previous install of tikiwiki. 

mysql -h localhost -u root -p database-name < text-file-with-sql-statements.sql