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History: Stats

Source of version: 27 (current)

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            ! Statistics (Stats)

This admin panel includes the Statistics and Analytics admin settings available in Tiki.

__To access__: Click the __Statistics__ icon {icon name="admin_stats" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=statistics__ 

!!Key features
*Tiki Stats
**Usage for Tiki and Tiki feature - Good and basic to track website usage.
*Google Analytics and Google Chart (require Google analytics account) - Analytics data.
*Piwik Analytics (require Piwik server) - Analytics data with custom options.

!!Tiki stats
Data are displayed accordingly to your feature usage. IE: If you don’t use a feature you won’t see anything for it.
It also include a "Referer Stats" option to track referer to your website.

!!!!Tiki stats admin panel
{img type="fileId" fileId="1271" responsive="y" styleimage="border"}
!!!!Tiki stats user page
{img type="fileId" fileId="1272" responsive="y" styleimage="border"}

!!Google Analytics

See: ((Google Analytics))

!!Piwik Analytics
For information about Piwik, see: ((Matomo|Piwik Web analytics))
{REMARKSBOX(type="warning" title="Plugin Piwik")}Plugin Piwik is required to use the Piwik feature.{REMARKSBOX}

!!!!Piwik Analytics admin panel
You need to set the URL to your Piwik server. IE : "http://mypiwik.com".
You need to set the Id of the website you want to display the statistics. IE : "1".

{img type="fileId" fileId="1273" responsive="y" stylebox="border"}

{REMARKSBOX(type="warning" title="Security notice")}On your Piwik permission panel you must set anonymous can view for the specified website  else data won;t be displayed according to the Piwik permissions. You may use a Piwik token (generated in your user panel at Piwik) if you want to avoid your data to be public by adding it to the url. IE : http://mypiwik.com/index.php?token_auth=xxxxxxxxxxxx. __The token will be display in the HTML of the page therefor it is important you keep access to your stats only to trusted users. {REMARKSBOX}

!!!!Piwik Analytics user page
It is set to Piwik default dashboard but you can customise it accordingly to your need. (check Piwik widget page to review available modules)
{img type="fileId" fileId="1274" responsive="y" stylebox="border"}

!! Permission
Users with the tiki_p_view_stats permission can view several site statistics (stats) from the stats screen, the stats section can be accessed from the main application menu.

See also: 
* ((Search Stats))
* ((Referer Stats))

!!! Alias
* (alias(Statistics))
* (alias(Statistics-Admin))