History: Selector Tracker Fields
Source of version: 27 (current)
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!Selector Tracker Fields {toc} User, Group, IP and Page selectors are ((tracker field type))s used in the ((trackers)) feature to link ((Adding items to a tracker|items)) to other objects or users. Sometimes these fields are automatically detected, such as a ((user selector)) detects the username of ther person creating the tracker item. Adding a name to a tracker item is necessary but not sufficient to create special viewing and editing privileges - often used with ((User Tracker)), ((registration tracker)) or ((Group tracker)) The page ((Adding fields to a Tracker)) explains how the fields, (columns or questions) of a tracker are set up. !!Display behavior (checked only in tw>=1.10) In the tracker list panel, the value of these fields will be displayed if the field has the option table visible and hidden/visible is checked for the user. In the tracker item view panel, the value of these fields will be displayed if the hidden/visible is checked for the user. In the tracker item edit panel, a tracker administrator (perm tiki_p_admin_trackers) will see each field with the pre-selected right value and will be able to change them. A non administrator will not see them. !Alias *(alias(Country-Group-IP-Page-User+Selector+Tracker+Field)) *(alias(User / Group / IP / Page - Selector Tracker Field))