History: Regexps
Source of version: 15 (current)
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! Regular Expressions Examples of regular expressions to be used in some parts of Tiki Tracker validation fields, such as text fields, allow to have some check against a regular expression. Some examples are: # Only records with more than 2 letters in the field are allowed: + {CODE(colors="perl")} ^.{3,}$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ # Only lowercase letters, numbers and dashes are allowed: + {CODE(colors="perl")} ^[a-z0-9\-]+$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ # Only lowercase letters in emails, therefore, letters, numbers, dots, dashes and underscores are allowed: + {CODE(colors="perl")} ^[a-z0-9.\@\-\_]+$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ Or an alternative (and more permissive) approach: all except uppercase letters: + {CODE(colors="perl")} ^[^A-Z]+$ {CODE} + ~tc~ ~/tc~ # Numbers between 0 and 1 (very useful to validate probabilities): + {CODE(colors="perl")} ^((0(\.[0-9]*)?)|(1(\.0)?))$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ # Numbers between 0 and 100 (useful for positive values under and 3 digit threshold like 100): + {CODE(colors="perl")} ^[0-9]{1}$|^[0-9]{1}[0-9]{1}$|^[1]{1}[0]{1}[0]{1}$|^100$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ # Positive numbers or zero only (useful for measurements of concentrations of chemical substances, for instance): + {CODE(colors="perl", caption="In Tiki 12.x LTS")} ^[0]{1}$|^(?!0*[.,]0*$|[.,]0*$|0*$)\\d+[,.]?\\d{0,2}$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ + {CODE(colors="perl", caption="Since Tiki 14.x")} ^[0]{1}$|^(?!0*[.,]0*$|[.,]0*$|0*$)\d+[,.]?\d{0,2}$ {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ # Uppercase letter, two numbers, dash, two numbers (e.g.: X00-00) + {CODE(colors="perl")} [A-Z][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] {CODE} + ~tc~^~/tc~ # Any user with the domain name ending with .example.com + {CODE(colors="perl")} /(^[^@]*@[^,]*.example.com$)/ {CODE} -= Alias names for this page =- (alias(Regexp)) | (alias(Regular Expression)) | (alias(Regular Expressions)) | (alias(RegularExpression)) | (alias(RegularExpressions)) | (alias(regex))