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History: Profiles

Source of version: 45 (current)

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            ! Profiles
{DIV(float=right,width="200px")}^::Related Topics::
* [http://profiles.tiki.org|Tiki Profiles]
*((dev:Administration|Bugs and Wishes))^{DIV}
!! Overview
Tiki profiles allow you to apply a pre-defined configuration to your Tiki. You can apply them through the ((Profiles Wizard)) or ((Local Profiles)) or through the Admin Panel __Profiles__. In Tiki terminology, a "profile" is a set of site configuration preferences and website item creation instructions that are applied as a group. The website [https://profiles.tiki.org/] is the main repository for these.

Profiles don't contain or create files. They only add or edit content in the site's database. Some profiles are simple, like a contact form, and some are more complex. When they are applied, new features are activated, pages are created, permissions are changed, a new Tracker may be created to store records, and so on.

Anything that applying the profile does at the site can be undone or modified and so on. However, these adjustments will need to be done individually. There's currently no way to undo all the actions of the profile with one click. For this reason, it's a good idea to look at the details of the profile before applying it, to see, as closely as you can, what specific changes will be made in your site. This doesn't apply to site configuration profiles, but once you have a site set up, you'll want to be sure that applying a new profile doesn't disturb any of your current settings.

;__To access__: Click the ((Profiles Wizard)) button at the ((Wizards)) page {icon name="wizard" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} or the __Profiles__ icon {icon name="admin_profiles" size="2" title="Image may vary depending on icon set in use."} on the ((Admin Panels|Admin Panel)) %%% or Access __http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=profiles__ 
;__If behind a firewall__: Define ((proxy|proxy settings)).
;__Tabs__: This page contains the following tabs:{toc}

!! Custom Profiles Repository
To learn how to create your own Profile Repository please refer to https://profiles.tiki.org/Custom+Repository

!! For more information
* ((Profiles Wizard))
* http://profiles.tiki.org
* old: 
** ((Create a Profile)) which duplicate some info
** ((tw:TikiProfilesDev))
** ((Unapply a profile))

!!! Alias
*(alias(Configuration Profile))
*(alias(Configuration Profiles))
*(alias(Apply a Profile))
*(alias(Apply Profiles))
*(alias(Install Profile))
*(alias(Install Profiles))
*(alias(Installation Profile))
*(alias(Installation Profiles))
*(alias(Profile manager))
*(alias(Profiles manager))