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History: PluginPaymentList

Source of version: 5 (current)

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            ! Plugin Payment List
''To be Introduced in ((Tiki17)) and presumably to be backported to Tiki 16.x''

Use this ((wiki plugin)) to display the list of ((payments)) from a user for a given time period, type of payments. It will allow to filter the results by some keywords used in the payment description. 

{maketoc title="" levels="2,3"}

{pluginmanager plugin="paymentlist"}
!!!Example 1
''This code:''
{paymentlist type="past" format="table" user="someusername" date_start="2016-05-01" date_end="2017-01-17" filter="description=mykeyword"}

''Would produce something like:''

{img src="display1339" link="display1339" width="400" rel="box[g]" imalign="center" desc="Click to expand" align="center" styleimage="border"}

!!Related pages
* ((Payments))
* ((PluginPayment))
* ((PluginMemberPayment))
* ((Shopping Cart))

(alias(Payment List)) | (alias(PluginPaymentsList)) | (alias(Plugin PaymentList)) | (alias(Plugin Payment List))