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History: PluginAnnotation example

Source of version: 28 (current)

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            ''Experiment by clicking on an annotated area (bordered in red). Or create a new annotation by clicking once, moving the cursor and clicking to select an area, and then clicking on the selection to add a description and link.''

{ANNOTATION(src="display467", width=566, height=392, align=center, desc="Edit tracker fields trackers_admin_02jpg.jpg image")}(399,300),(550,335) New annotation []
(391,216),(411,235) This looks like Windows XP []
(6,65),(173,106) wohoo, it works! []
(0,270),(326,300) Click at this button to save changes []
(385,371),(445,390) Button to save []
(163,323),(341,386) New annotation [SomePage]

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