History: Manual upgrade
Source of version: 7 (current)
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^The procedure below should never be needed since the installer manages the data upgrade.^ {VERSIONS(nav="y",title="General notes",default="3.x")} In case anything fails with the automatic upgrade through __tiki-install.php__, you can manually upgrade the database. If you prefer to do on the command line, you can also use: {CODE(caption="upgrade a Tiki database")} php installer/shell.php {CODE} At the end, you should manually create a file called "lock" inside the __db/__ folder where your local.php file is stored, in order to secure your installation. ---(2.x and 1.9.x)--- This process assumes the following setup; you'll probably need to substitute your own stuff for most of the values here. Things you might/will need to substitute are in __bold__ so they're easy to see. This is the assumed configuration for this example: * Tiki database username: tiki * Tiki database password: secret * Admin database username: root * Admin database password: topsecret * SQL database name (current/old version): tiki19 * SQL database name (new/upgrading-to version): tiki20 * Directory where Tiki is currently installed: /home/youruser/public_html/tiki 0) % cd /home/youruser/public_html/tiki/db This changes the current working directory to the directory where the sql scripts from tiki are stored. 1) % mysqldump -u __tiki__ -p __secret__ __tiki19__ > tiki19-backup.sql This exports your old 1.9 database to a file, so you can import it into another database. 2) % mysqladmin -u __root__ -p __topsecret__ create __tiki20__ This creates the new database to hold your 2.0 Tiki data. I use database names like __tiki19__ and __tiki20__ instead of just calling them all __tiki__ because it makes it easy to run multiple versions on the same machine. 3) % mysql -u __tiki__ -p __secret__ __tiki20__ < tiki19-backup.sql This copies all your old 1.9 data into the new 2.0 database. You can not just use this new database, though, because Tiki 2.0 is expecting the database in an updated format (new tables, new columns, etc). That's what the upgrade script does. 4) % mysql -u __tiki__ -p __secret__ -f __tiki20__ < tiki_1.9to2.0.sql This converts the 1.9-format data to 2.0-format data in your new database. You find this upgrade SQL script in the db/ subdirectory. {VERSIONS}