History: Gentoo Install
Source of version: 3 (current)
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!Gentoo Install This is an ((installation)) guide. {VERSIONS(nav=>y)} {BOX(title=>~~#FF0000:Gentoo Portage provides both Tikiwiki 1.8 and 1.9 masked unstable~~)}__Note__: The Gentoo Portage Managers have updated Tikiwiki packages: * [http://packages.gentoo.org/ebuilds/?tikiwiki-1.8.6] * [http://packages.gentoo.org/ebuilds/?tikiwiki-1.9.1] For a list of pending bugs on gentoo bugzilla query: *[http://bugs.gentoo.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&field0-0-0=product&type0-0-0=substring&value0-0-0=tikiwiki&field0-0-1=component&type0-0-1=substring&value0-0-1=tikiwiki&field0-0-2=short_desc&type0-0-2=substring&value0-0-2=tikiwiki&field0-0-3=status_whiteboard&type0-0-3=substring&value0-0-3=tikiwiki|ALL Tikiwiki] {BOX} {BOX(title=How to choose your version)}__TikiWiki 1.7.x__ is not secure and is no longer being maintained. Admins should adopt 1.8.6. (Old policy: Receives only bug fixes and security fixes.We do not add any new feature to it, nor backport any new feature.) [tiki-index.php?page=InstallTikiGentoo&tikiversion=TikiWiki+1.8|__TikiWiki 1.8.6__] should be used in __production environments__. [tiki-index.php?page=InstallTikiGentoo&tikiversion=TikiWiki+1.9|__TikiWiki 1.9__] may be used in __production environments__, there's lots of value added compared to 1.8, see ((ReleaseProcess192)). __TikiWiki 1.10 alias HEAD__ is the __developer version__, major new features go there.{BOX} Please select the version you wish to install from the list, above. If you feel like testing ((MapServer)) with Tikiwiki, check out developments on ((InstallTikiMapserverGentoo)) ---(TikiWiki 1.9)----------------------------- {CODE()} ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge tikiwiki -pv emerge tikiwiki {CODE} ---(TikiWiki 1.9 developers ebuild testing method)----------------------------- !! Tikiwiki 1.9 Sirius __Developers and Testers Release__ (NOT FOR LIVE SITES) 1.9.x is a developer and tester version, it is stable enough to run but things break from time to time. New features go there. If you feel like using 1.9, , lets use our well-known PORTAGE OVERLAY feature. Turn it on in /etc/make.conf ... {CODE(title=>create 1.9 tikiwiki.ebuild in overlay dir)} $ mkdir /usr/local/portage/www-apps/tikiwiki $ cp /usr/portage/www-apps/tikiwiki/tikiwiki-1.8.5.ebuild \ > /usr/local/portage/www-apps/tikiwiki/tikiwiki-1.9.0_rc4.ebuild #for DR4 {CODE} Now we create the "tarballs for our install from latest cvs" for our own client-service. Go to your webserver root directory and create a folder "tar". {CODE(title=>create ebuild format from latest CVS snapshot)} $ cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs $ mkdir ./tar $ cd tar $ wget http://de.tiki.org/tar/lastiki_BRANCH-1-9.tar.bz2 $ mv ./lastiki_BRANCH-1-9.tar.bz2 ./tikiwiki-1.9.0_rc4.tar.bz2 {CODE} Finally, lets modify and emerge {CODE(title=>edit 1.9_rc4 ebuild)} $ vim /usr/local/portage/www-apps/tikiwiki/tikiwiki-1.9.0_rc4.ebuild # edit the variables: HOMEPAGE="http://localhost" SRC_URI="${HOMEPAGE}/tar/${P}.tar.bz2" # line 26 append to DIRS another value local DIRS=" whelp" # whelp is a directory for dumps of structures to html format, coded by LuisArgerich {CODE} {CODE(title=>try emerge 1.9_rc4)} $ emerge tikiwiki -pv These are the packages that I would merge, in order: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild N ] www-apps/tikiwiki-1.9.0_rc4 -vhosts 0 kB [1] Total size of downloads: 0 kB Portage overlays: [1] /usr/local/portage $ emerge tikiwiki {CODE} If all goes well you are now fetching the download, first failing from official mirros, but finally downloading from the HOMEPAGE/tar/ directory we specified in the ebuild. No information about this file ebuild and associated downloaded file we created above yet exists in our local portage tree. We need to create the digest now: {CODE(title=>try emerge 1.9_rc4)} $ ebuild /usr/local/portage/www-apps/tikiwiki/tikiwiki-1.9.0_rc4.ebuild digest $ emerge tikiwiki {CODE} As this is not a release, you will get errors about missing docs, thats ok. All this should put a copy of Tikiwiki into /var/www/localhost/htdocs/tikiwiki, unless you use the +vhost USE flag and know what your doing with your webapp-config. Now you should go to your tikiwiki directory and continue installation steps as usual. Create empty database, create database user, grant permissions on new database to user. Point your browser to localhost/tikiwiki/tiki-install.php. Or in tikiroot do $ ./setup.sh apache apache 02775, edit db/tiki-db.php, pipe tiki.sql into new database. For TikiMods you will have to go on commandline and use fixperms.sh to be safe. ---(TikiWiki 1.8.6)------------------ !! Tikiwiki 1.8.5 Polaris __Stable__ (for production environments) There is an ebuild in portage for [http://www.gentoo.org/|GentooLinux|nocache] users, who would like to test and use a Tiki, and benefit of the easy updates of both worlds. 1. To use it: __emerge tikiwiki__ {CODE()} $ emerge sync $ emerge -pv tikiwiki $ emerge tikiwiki {CODE} 2. then enable PHP in your /etc/conf.d/apache(*) if you have not done : {CODE()} APACHE(*)_OPTS="-D PHP(*) -D SSL" {CODE} 3. you may want to create an empty tiki database: {CODE()} $ mysqladmin -uroot -p create tikiwiki {CODE} 4a.Check your ((Doc:Requirements and Setup)) 4b. follow on-screen instructions: {CODE()} * To complete installation, you should manually review the following * * Tiki requires PHP to have in /etc/php/apache(*)-php(*)/php.ini * ==> 'memory_limit = 16M' * ==> 'max_execution_time = 60' * Tiki likes PHP to have : * ==> 'default_charset = utf-8' * ==> 'file_uploads enabled = On' * Please edit /etc/php/apache(*)-php(*)/php.ini. Match your running php and apache version. * * * You may find further information on the Tikiwiki website * ==> ((InstallGettingStarted)) * {CODE} 5a. Open [http://localhost/tikiwiki/tiki-install.php]. This helps setting up the db connection and some "database profiles". 5b. On the commandline, cd to your tikiwiki install root directory, then {CODE()} cd ./db $ mysql -uroot -p tikiwiki < ./tiki.sql {CODE} * Like this you pipe the db into your empty tikiwiki db directly. Setup db/local.php for tikiwiki database access for single tikiwiki: {CODE()} # or edit in db/tiki-db.php the following lines to match your settings: $host_tiki = 'localhost'; $user_tiki = 'root'; $pass_tiki = 'Password'; $dbs_tiki = 'tikiwiki'; {CODE} 6. Now, point your browser to the location of tiki-install.php * e.g. [http://localhost/tikiwiki/tiki-install.php] * Login using admin/admin and start using Tikiwiki! 7. enjoy! ---(Notes)------------------ !! Notes * ((InstallGettingStarted)) * ((InstallMultipleTikis)) * The Tikiwiki Ebuild is in Gentoo CVS since 2003-12-30. * 1.8.5 Ebuild has been available for sometime (2005-01-29) * [http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79078|Gentoo RFE 79078: Provide Masked Tikiwiki Ebuild of v1.9] (2005-01-22) {BOX(title=>What is Gentoo?)} ((GentooLinux)): '' We produce Gentoo Linux, a special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need. Extreme performance, configurability and a top-notch user and developer community are all hallmarks of the Gentoo experience. To learn more, click here.'' [http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/about.xml] {BOX} Further reading: # ((HowtoUseExternalSmarty)) # ((HowtoUseExternalAdodb)) # ((HowtoUseExternalPear)) # ((TikiModSecurity)) # ((InstallTikiMapserverGentoo)) # ((TikiWikiPHP5)) # ((InstallCvsMonitorGentoo)) {CODE(title=>Develop Tiki on Gentoo)} $ emerge smarty $ emerge adodb $ emerge pear # and many others like PEAR-Date etc. {CODE} To have php with the good configuration, you can use {CODE()} echo "dev-lang/php -* ctype pcre session unicode cli apache2 expat fastbuild ftp gd hash iconv memlimit mysql nls pic mcrypt pdo reflection simplexml sockets spl ssl tokenizer truetype xml xsl zlib" >> /etc/portage/package.use emerge -va dev-lang/php /etc/init.d/apache2 restart {CODE} {VERSIONS}