History: All Preferences
Source of version: 15 (current)
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{HTML()}<style> .ts-wrapperdiv { position: relative; } .ts-wrapperdiv::after { content: ""; display: block; height: 100%; width: .6rem; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; background-color: transparent; box-shadow: -2rem 0 0.6rem -2rem black inset; } </style>{HTML} {pdf orientation="L"} A __preference__ is a way to configure your Tiki site. Synonym: Setting, parameter. As of 2019-03-10, this list is for ((Tiki19)) and will be periodically updated. See also ((All Plugins)) and ((All Modules)). ((Site configuration preferences)) is another way to list the preferences. {trackerlist trackerId="22" fields="250:256:259:260" showlinks="y" sort_mode="f_260_asc" max="-1"}