Test Page
This code:
Copy to clipboard
{TABS(name="user_tabset_01" tabs="Title 1|Title 2|Title3")}This is the content of the first tab ///// This is the content of the second tab ///// This is the content of the third tab {TABS}
Would produce:
This is the content of the first tab
This is the content of the second tab
This is the content of the third tab
When clicking on a tab name, the content of each tab is loaded and shown without refreshing the browser window.
And when clicking on the "No Tabs" option, the display would change into:
Related pages
Plugintabs | Plugintab | PluginTab | Plugin Tabs | Plugin tabs
Bernard test for video
HTML for bootstrap 5.3
It is not possible to add a class in the Wikiplugin (which is another consistency issue between wiki plugins) so it have to be added in the parent div.
Ignore this, just a page for testing.
Test Friday 28 March, 2025 09:22:20 UTC
I don't ignore pages 😊
Just another testing line...
This will break this page:
16 : 9 ratio
For Tiki 7
- 28 may - jb here testing saving ajax errors
- Maybe try without having done a preview...
- what else could it be? 3 saves and no error (in Firefox 4.0.1)
- trying the click on save directly thing... seemed fine
- maybe if you edit for ages?
- I bet it only happens when you really don't want it to...
- trying with pop-up preview...
- Seems the auto save timer is broken 😑
- Wonder if that magnify icon to open/close the preview pane is the right icon?
- Probably not...
- I also wonder if there are any docs about this new preview thing?
Have to go out now, will try more later.
Previously on Tiki 6
- In Safari if you make a change and then click directly on the save button you sometimes get an alert about an undefined and irrelevant AJAX error.
- Fixed (as far as i can tell)